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  1. Near
    OOC: Swordser, all you've really been doing is spamming the thread.

    Start actually reading other people's posts, and I'll consider putting Samex on the first page.
    Post by: Near, Sep 15, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Near
    OOC: I use Windows Media player, but If you have a Mac, I'm not sure.
    Or you could use any other media player. Go to open(Ctrl-O), then search through your files to find the video.

    After you've downloaded it, of course.
    Post by: Near, Sep 15, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Near
    OOC: Sorry, I hung out with my friend for a while, then went to the park ^^;.
    Sora and Riku are probably coming in, so no OC Keybladers, please.

    LMAO. Axel flicked them off.

    Xin sat on her bed, looking up to the ceiling.
    'Why did that happen... I... How could I let that happen...'

    She hopped off of her bed, and portaled to the front of the castle. Trees in the dark forest blew in the wind. The moon shone brightly to make up for the stars that were not there.
    They'd never be there.

    Xinaram didn't care about having a heart anymore. She never really did.
    'I... I'm just a lie...'

    She heard something. It wasn't just the trees blowing, either. She turned and saw someone, around her age, with brown, spikey hair. His saphire blue eyes shone in the light, unlike her dark jade ones.

    He noticed her. Her tattered coat didn't do much to hide the scars that seemed recent, and he felt a little bad for her.

    "Uh.. Um, hi there.." He said.

    "Hello. Who are you?" Xin asked. She didn't summon her weapons, he didn't seem like much of a threat.
    "I'm Sora. What's your name?"
    "Xinaram. I'm called Xin by most, though."
    "Oh... Kay."


    Many members of either Organization were just begging for a fight. He wasn't sure on what to do, though.
    He was stupid not to have told the other members this, but he didn't want to keep fighting with the other organization. It was pointless. No one was gainig anything from it.

    "Well, I don't see a point to this. And, unless anyone else does, we'll be leaving. All of us."

    OOC: Why did this post take an hour to type? wtf?
    I got home from the park at seven, and got on the computer at 7:30.
    Post by: Near, Sep 14, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Near
    OOC: OMFG this will be fun!

    Xadyn sent Max a mental message.
    'What the hell? You're just begging to die.

    He sensed someone coming.
    "Oh, hello," he said when the 'Superior' entered. His sword lowered, but he was still ready for a fight.

    "Hmm. I can't seem to find an answer. Perhaps you will get an anser from her." He shot a glare at Reixa.
    Post by: Near, Sep 14, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Near
    OOC:=D Sorry I'm late, I biked home from school with my friend today.

    I AM HERE! >D

    IC: 'So...' he thought. Four Nobdies, that could murdur any of them at any second. He almost laughed. Though Saix looked strong, everyone else was called because two enemies decided they were bored.

    "Well," He started; he raised his sword,
    "I didn't want a fight. But wouldn't it be a shame not to, now that everyone's here? I wouldn't want to waste your time, of course. It's up to you."
    Post by: Near, Sep 14, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Near
    This was very irritating. It seemed almost cowardly to run now, or stop them, but death would surely come if he didn't.
    He closed his eyes in thought for a second (He seems to do that a lot), and said,
    "Please stop it. I didn't come looking for a fight,"
    He sent a message to Reixa and Xangel.
    'But it seems someone did'
    Post by: Near, Sep 14, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Near
    OOC: Well, running away would be cowardly, now that they're in that mess.
    Post by: Near, Sep 13, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Near
    His smirk vanished as he looked down at Reixa.
    "What the hell do you think you're doing?" He whispered, "We have no need to fight here. Did you just come here looking for a fight? You've got one, Damn it!"
    He sensed others coming.
    'There's no way we can take all of them...' he thought.
    Post by: Near, Sep 13, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Near
    OOC: Xadyn came in, and there both annoying Saix now.
    Post by: Near, Sep 13, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Near
    OOC: Sure, just let me dig up that summary I typed yesterday.

    And the rules. o.o.

    So, Xin, Reixa, Gwyxn, Xangel, and Xadyn go to TWTNW to spy. Nothing's happening in the meeting room, so they go elsewhere. Axel looks for them, and Xin steps out. They almost fight, until Saix stops them, and Xin gets mad and tells everyone else to go home. She is left alone, and spies on the meeting that is about to happen. She takes notes during the meeting, and since she could tell it was fake, leaves them for the other members to read. Axel finds her spying, and they fight, until Axel uses a very powerful attack and Xin is left unconsious. Larxene was watching, and Xin is taken to Larxene's room until she wakes up, so that they can question her after. After Xinaram wakes up, Reixa, Gwyxn and Xangel try to save her, but Axel portals away to Vexen's lab with her before they have a chance. Xadyn then comes to save her, and attacks Axel. Axel dodges, pushing Xinaram to Vexen. Xinaram hits Vexen in the back of the head to knock him over, and runs to Xadyn. Before anything happens, Vexen freezes Xin. Xadyn then takes Xin's frozen body to her room, where she would be out of the way of any fighting going on. He comes back to TWTNW, and asks what they wanted with Xinaram. Axel doesn't answer, but demands Xadyn answer the question that Axel asked before. Xadyn does, but before Xadyn could ask anything, Vexen tells him that if Xinaram doesn't get unfrozen quickly, she'll die. After Xadyn leaves with Xangel to heal Xin, Axel comments that even though it was the truth, Vexen only told Xadyn that Xin could die because he didn't want Axel to tell Xadyn anything about Organization XIII. Xangel unfroze Xin.
    Now Xadyn and Rei are in TWTNW annoying Saix.

    (No one else come to TWTNW please.)

    "Unfortunately, no, not yet. She's awake, though." he responded. He also kept focus. Saix looked like he could attack at any minute.
    Post by: Near, Sep 13, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Near
    OOC: Okay, Deathsight444.

    I need to post the no n00b rules on the first post. *Does that*
    Post by: Near, Sep 13, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Near

    The Supirior aka Xemnas, GT*O of the thread if your not making a character.

    10 pages while I was at school? wow. =D


    "Hmm" Xadyn appeared next to Reixa.
    "I guess your right, Rei." He had a smirk on his face. "Though I doubt there will be any more."
    His sword appeared in his hand, but he was relaxed, and didn't look as if he was about to fight.
    Post by: Near, Sep 13, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Near
    OOC: LMAO.

    x.x School sucks. Why do I go to school?
    Post by: Near, Sep 13, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Near
    Dude, for a 15 year old, Sora is way too strong. So, yes, he wouldn't be as strong as in the games.

    Anyway, I would have to play him. x.x
    I've never RP'd him before. And it sound so fun. x.x

    I need to go finish that other post, that way I can use both ideas.
    Post by: Near, Sep 12, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Near
    OOC: I thought up an idea, but it will be the most horrific thing you've ever read...

    *Whispers* "Bring Sora into the picture"

    *All stare in horror*

    Seriously, though. It would be a twist in the story line. Both organizations would have to deal with Sora, and the other Organization! But someone would have to play Sora... And I would have to resist playing him...

    I RP Sora well, though.

    Dude, Xigbar doesn't say shall.

    And, I was serious about the one sentence posts, if you can, please make your posts longer than one sentence...
    Post by: Near, Sep 12, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Near
    OOC: I feel ignored... -.-
    Post by: Near, Sep 12, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Near
    Swordser2: Dusks can't tell the difference between photos and the "real things" That's why in KH2 the dusks stole all the pictures of Roxas.
    So it wouldn't be a good idea to do that, =P.
    Post by: Near, Sep 12, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Near
    OOC:Full recap?

    So, Xin, Reixa, Gwyxn, Xangel, and Xadyn go to TWTNW to spy. Nothing's happening in the meeting room, so they go elsewhere. Axel looks for them, and Xin steps out. They almost fight, until Saix stops them, and Xin gets mad and tells everyone else to go home. She is left alone, and spies on the meeting that is about to happen. She takes notes during the meeting, and since she could tell it was fake, leaves them for the other members to read. Axel finds her spying, and they fight, until Axel uses a very powerful attack and Xin is left unconsious. Larxene was watching, and Xin is taken to Larxene's room until she wakes up, so that they can question her after. After Xinaram wakes up, Reixa, Gwyxn and Xangel try to save her, but Axel portals away to Vexen's lab with her before they have a chance. Xadyn then comes to save her, and attacks Axel. Axel dodges, pushing Xinaram to Vexen. Xinaram hits Vexen in the back of the head to knock him over, and runs to Xadyn. Before anything happens, Vexen freezes Xin. Xadyn then takes Xin's frozen body to her room, where she would be out of the way of any fighting going on. He comes back to TWTNW, and asks what they wanted with Xinaram. Axel doesn't answer, but demands Xadyn answer the question that Axel asked before. Xadyn does, but before Xadyn could ask anything, Vexen tells him that if Xinaram doesn't get unfrozen quickly, she'll die. After Xadyn leaves with Xangel to heal Xin, Axel comments that even though it was the truth, Vexen only told Xadyn that Xin could die because he didn't want Axel to tell Xadyn anything about Organization XIII. Xangel unfroze Xin, and Xadyn went to the Main room to think while everyone else is doing their own thing.


    Seriously, It frusterates me when people spam the thread with short one-sentence posts like "Roxas woke up." or "Sora took out his Keyblade and killed all the Heartless.".
    Try to put some detail in your posts, please ^^;. I'm not aiming this at anyone, it just annoys me.

    And, also, make a point to what you character is doing. Even if it's just 'cause they're bored.

    Ideal post:
    Kairi had been searching all day for Sora, but hadn't found him anywhere.
    'Where could he be?' she thought.
    She then realized, the one place she hadn't checked. She ran across the beach and crossed a bridge to get to a small, round island with a long tree growing off of the edge. She spotted her friend leaning on the tree.
    'I should have looked here before' She thought.
    She walked up next to Sora, and asked, "Have you been here all day?"

    Spammy post:
    Kairi found Sora and said hi.

    So, which one do you like better?
    Post by: Near, Sep 12, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Near
    OOC: I was waiting for someone to ask to be Roxas, lol.

    I think Xin vs. Roxas would be fun to RP.

    I would watch those vids, but I'm supposed to be doing homework. Based onn how much work I've been getting done, no I don't have an awesome English grade. -.- Stupid ADD.
    At least I've been trying harder this year. =D

    And, to be different, this post will be in first person. =P

    I sighed and stood up off of the couch I was sitting on. My sky blue hair hung over my face as I looked down, deep in thought. I was thinking about today's events, it all just didn't seem right. How did everything go so wrong? How did such a simple plan fail so miserably?
    Xin had almost died, worse could have happened...
    I looked up and walked towards the hallway, walking up a few flights of stairs, through rooms that will never be used, until I got to a different looking hallway. I walked up to the door that read, "VIII" and lightly knocked on it.
    "Xin, are you awake?" I asked, and she responded,
    "Yeah, come in..."
    I had never heard her sound so... Depressed.

    OOC:And it stays unfinished! xp
    Post by: Near, Sep 12, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Near
    Everyone at my school seems to like KH. I got my best friend into the manga, lol.

    I say just ignore them. They have their opinion and you have yours.

    Besides, How do they know about the Keyblade if they haven't played it themselves? =p
    Post by: Near, Sep 10, 2007 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts