"Arrgh! Darn it, you coward!" Sora yelled. But then, the robot started to crumble. "Sora, you have to get off of there!" Riku shouted. He hoped that Sora heard him. "I kno - Aaarghh!" Sora had slipped off of the edge. He tried to grab the edge of the roof of the mansion, but failed. He then landed on a lower roof. "Guh..." he groaned. Riku climbed down to help Sora. "Sora! Are you okay?" Sora sat up. "Heh... Yeah... I'm fine."
"Huh? Eggman? Who's that?" Sora asked. "Aparrently," Riku answered, "he is the guy controlling the giant robot. Come on." Riku and Sora climbed to the roof of the mansion, there they could almost see the robot's head, where Eggman was. Riku used Dark Firaga on the robot's head. Sora jumped to the arm of the robot, and climbed to the shoulder. "Sora! What the H3ll are you doing?" Riku shouted. Sora climbed on top of the robot's head and stuck his keyblade through the glass. "Hah!" He climbed through the broken glass, and saw Eggman. "You're the one who got us stuck on this island, aren't you!"
"Yeah. We need to hurry," Sora said. "It's almost dark," Sora and Riku both drew their Keyblades, and ran after their friends.
"Heh, yeah! You're right, your majesty!" Sora responded. "Hmph, sure. I'll go," Riku said.
"We'll go," Sora offered.
OOC: That reminds me of Resident Evil, too. Lol. Sora was at the shore, gasping for breath. "That was creepier than anything I've seen. Even adventuring for," He took another deep breath, "a year." Riku had to agree. "...Yeah." After hearing what Mickey said, Sora said, "Maybe, we should just sleep on the beach, heh..." "I don't want to sleep in any mansion. It almost seems safer sleeping on the beach. For all we know, that mansion is haunted, too," Riku added.
"What was that?" Sora asked. He didn't think much of it, though, and asked, "Should I go and catch some fish? We'd have food to eat." ____ Riku ran across the beach towards the spot they were at before. The fire was already out... 'That's wierd...' He gathered the supplies and walked back to the house. He set the wood in a closet.
"Oh, hi Train." Sora said. "Yeah, but does anyone live here?" Riku walked up and knocked on the door. No one answered, so he opened it. "It doesn't seem like anyone does. Come on," Riku said. Sora walked past him into the house, and said, "Wow, it looks even creepier on the inside." "Sora," Riku said, "I'm going to get the raft supplies. And put out the fire." "Good idea,"
OOC: Sunset. =P Neither night or day.
I'm Riku =P Or did you mean Rikku from FFX? IC: Sora thought for a second. "Hah! We could make tents out of sticks and animal skins!" Riku punched him in the shoulder. "Ow! What was that for!" "Sora, be serious. We need somewhere to stay for the night." "Oh. Well, maybe we could search the island to see if there are any cabins or something, you never know." "Sounds like a plan." They looked around the beach first; they didn't want to get lost in the forest. They spotted a cave, but it was lit inside, so they kept searching. Sora ran ahead of Riku. "Hey, look!" "Whoa." It was a large house! It looked pretty old, but it gave them a place to stay. "I wonder if anyone lives there," Sora said. "Only one way to find out."
OOC: Going to bed, hopefully I'll find out where that burning smell is coming from befre I go to sleep. I sure as h3ll hope that it's just my computer overheating.
I'm not sure if I despise anyone enough to need one.
Aw, crap, now I have that "Milk and cereal thing stuck in my head. WTF? Something smells like it's burning in my room. For real! D= I'll get some sleep when I figure out what it is that smells like it's burning. It's probably nothing, it smells like birthday cake candles, though, and I want to find out wtf it is... Maybe my computer overheated?
"Huh? Where are you going?" Sora asked. "Sora, we need to get going too. We want to get home as quickly as possible, right?" "Oh, yeah!" "I have some wood for the raft. I was going to find something to tie it with when I heard the first explosion." "Okay." Sora and Riku then went back into the forest and continiued to search for some sort of vine or something. They couldn't find anything, but Sora gathered some firewood while they were in the forest. "It's getting late." Riku mentioned. "We should probably get back to the beach," Sora said. They made their way through the forest, and back to the spot where Riku had set the wood for the raft earlier. Sora set the firewood a few yards away from the wood to be used for the raft. He drew his keyblade, and said, "Fire!" Two flames cirled around him for a second, and lit the small pile on fire. It burned brightly. Sora dismissed his Keyblade, and sat down. "So, heh, where are we supposed to sleep?" OOC: I've never RP'd Riku before. How am I doing?
8D There's a #2 to the Kingom Hearts Piano Medley! Kingdom Hearts Piano Medley #2
I've watched that video more than once, and, I believe I actually have fallen asleep to it once. It's so friggin' awesome 8D.
"Well," Riku said, "that makes one person, who's actually told us thier name. I'm Riku." "I'm Sora." Sora said.
L.M.A.O. xD. In the Axel picture, That's not toast he's burning, that's steak. I saw the comic for it, but it does look like he's cooking toast.
"Hey. Who are you?" Riku asked, though he didn't say it like it was a question. Both teenagers had thier Keyblades drawn, incase they were in any danger. Sora noticed the frightened girl past where the swarm of robots was, and jumped over to her. "Hey, are you okay?" he asked. The swarm didn't scare him, he had seen worse, but someone like her probably hadn't been through what he had.
OOC: LMAO. "We're eating eggs and spam today!" lol. "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, you know."