Oh. My. God. ... *Isreallyexcited* THANK YOU.
This looks fun ^^. I'll fill out a form for my character when I draw a pic of what she looks like.
OOC: Okay ^^ See ya later. o.o I just tried to watch that video. I couldn't, the song is too slow for me. >.<
"I'll be right back," Xin said, and also portalled to her room. She looked around and found a purple spaghetti strap top, and a pair of dark jeans. On her feet were a pair of white Etnies with black laces. She portalled to the main room, next to Rei. "You know, it's been a while since any of us wore street clothes, hasn't it?"
OOC: OMG. They opened the concert with that song!! Darn. You made me have to listen to it. *always has her Ipod* I cannot take this anymore... Same thing I've said before... All these words they make no sense I found this in ignorance Less I hear the less you say You'll find that out anyway Just like before... BIC: "I'll go too. Besides, we're running low on soda," she laughed. "And, also, wear regular clothes. People get suspicious when they see others wearing coats like ours."
"Okay then." She said. She turned to Reixa, and told the story. "The intruders were Axel, Zexion, and Larxene. Thanks to Max, they now know where we live." She then thought about something. "Oh, God. Someone in the city could have seen them! No one has ever come to or from the city... Exept for us..."
OOC: Deathsight, if you want to know the story of Chain of Memories, watch the videos on this website, or Google "Kingdom hearts chain of memories manga" and read the manga. BIC: "What the H*ll were you thinking, Max? You let her stay, and anyone else could come find us!" She sighed and facepalmed. "Now they know where we live. Good going." She glared at him, suddenly he could feel a sharp pain in his arm. "I thought you had the common sense not to let anyone in."
Xinaram turned to Zexion. "I didn't want my forest burned down," she said simply. She then turned back around and opened a Corridor of Darkness. She stepped through, but before she got there, she realized, "Larxene's gone." Darkness seemed to be radiating(sp?) from the door she was standing in front of, but she didn't sense Larxene behind it. "Max! Where's Larxene?" OOC: Sorry this took a long time ^^; I watched the news o.o.
"Fine, I'll tell you where she is." Xinaram said, "But hearing will make you even more pissed." She tried to open a portal, but it didn't work. 'Huh?' "She's... With Max. Max trapped her, hence the reason I can't open a corridor to show you. He controls Darkness, so he can stop people from portalling to and from places."
Xinaram sent a mental mesage to Max. 'Find a way to get Larxene away from your room. She shouldn't be in there anyway. If you can, get her outside.'
OOC:Yeah, sure, whatever. xD BIC: Not that many of Organization XIII were, but Zexion seemed very uncaring. "It may be true that Nobodies cannot feel," she said, "but that doesn't mean at all that we can't care. And, there's nothing actually stopping us from feeling, it's almost an illusion. If one believes they can't feel, they can't."
ooc: o.o; heh, sorry. Didn't mean to upset you or anything. BIC: "Oh, so it's Larxene," She sent a mental message to Xadyn. 'The person with Max right now's name is Larxene. If I remember correctly, she controls lightning.' Xadyn didn't do anything. If Max was in a lot of danger, he would have done something, but he was sure Max could take care of things himself perfectly fine...
OOC: Chaser 007, incase you've got this mixed up, Xinaram is second in command, and Xadyn is leader. Bic: Xinaram closed her eyes for a second, and the wind picked up. When she opened them, the wind was blowing with great strength. "So, then, it's you and Axel. Who would your other friend be? You know, the one in the castle?"
"Would that be true, Zarix?" Xadyn said, after the intruder had left the room. He glared at Zarix as he spoke. Xinaram, although busy, had also sensed them. She portalled off, to a few feet behind Zexion. "Hi there." she said, almost as if he were a friend, and not and enemy. "Where are you going? I certainly hope you aren't planning on entering the castle, 'cause, you know, I can't let you do that." She warped infront of Zexion, weapons drawn.
Xadyn had sensed her the second she set foot in the city. And then moved on into the forest. Now, she was in the castle. He portalled next to Zarix. "Hello, Zarix. I wonder what you were thinking letting this intruder into our home."
OOC: Good morning peoples! (If it's not morning where you live, take it as "Good afternoon" or "Good evening" or something.) OMG. I laughed so hard at that. xD
OOC: I'm going to bed. When I'm tired, I find it hard to read, because I can't really focus easily. Besides, it's like 10:35 where I live. PM. So, see you tommorow!
OOC: Kay. And Xadyn looks just like Satoshi from D.N.Angel. 'Cept without the glasses. The thing is, I started watching D.N.Angel the day after I made up Xadyn. So I'm like, "That's wierd." o.o
You can be two. Who do you want to be? ... xP
OOC: D= I know. WHY? Why did everyone leave? WHY?