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  1. Near
    OOC:*Evil grin*

    So... Central time?

    It's 9:40 here.

    You can find the state I live in in my location. So don't ask. =P
    Post by: Near, Sep 22, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Near
    OOC: Do you live in the U.S.? If so what state?

    (I'm not dumb, I only ask for the state, and I only say the state I live in.)

    We are kind of spamming, but there's not much else we can do at the moment.
    Post by: Near, Sep 22, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Near
    I'd be glad to help =)

    1. Overall, do you consider chatrooms to be dangerous?
    Hmm, I'd say it depends on the person. If the person chatting is smart enough not to give out their personal info, it's safer.
    I also think that kids under ten should not be allowed in chatrooms. It's just... They're too young and immature to know when not to press the "Enter" key.

    2. Have you ever been sent explicit images through chatrooms?
    Yes, but not many times.

    3. Have you ever sent explicit text through chatrooms?
    Edit: I thought it said "Been sent", oops.
    I've sent cuss words, but that's it.
    I've been sent explicit text over a hundred times. (Still, not that much. xD)

    4. Have you ever felt threatened or unsafe in chatrooms?
    Practically every chatroom I enter, unless it's related to a website I trust.

    5. Have you ever been deceived in any way on chatrooms?
    When I was younger. Now I know better.
    (No one decieves me! NO ONE!!!)

    Please note that I don't use chatrooms much anymore, but I've seen a lot of bad stuff happen in chatrooms. In computer class last year we watched a video about a kid who commited suicide because of "Cyber bullying"
    His dad found AIM logs on his computer, and apparently the kid was talking with someone he trusted online about the least painfull way of suicide. It was a sad story, too bad it was true.
    Post by: Near, Sep 22, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  4. Near
    OOC: Nope, unfortunatly I don't hear anymore.

    That sucks. Dx
    Post by: Near, Sep 22, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Near
    OOC: OMFG.

    Awesome lightning storm ftw!

    It was pouring. It. Was. So. Awesome.

    The power even went out for a split second. My computer turned off, so that's why I was offline. That and I was out watching the lightning.

    Did I just hear thunder?

    ... See ya.
    Post by: Near, Sep 21, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Near
    OOC: Hi.


    I'm still soaked.
    Post by: Near, Sep 21, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Near
    OOC: W00T!!!!
    I just biked my friend home during a cloudburst. IT WAS POURING.

    But I LOVE the rain, 'cause I live in the Desert. we hadly EVER get rain.

    I now declare it officially fall. =D Hopefully the nice temperatures will last for a while before switching to freezing cold.

    We get extremely long, hot summers, and extremely long, cold winters, with about two weeks of nice weather in between each season. Right now it's pretty nice.

    ... Where is chula-claire?
    Post by: Near, Sep 21, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Near
    I think the game that should be played first, is the one that comes out first. =D

    But, I'd play 358/2 days first if they came out at the same time.
    Post by: Near, Sep 21, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  9. Near
    o.o I sure hope it has Wi-Fi, that'd be fun! xD

    I wonder if you're able to choose from all 13 members =D
    Post by: Near, Sep 21, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  10. Near

    *Is getting bored waiting for someone to post*

    Post by: Near, Sep 21, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Near
    'Rei,' Xin mentally spoke, 'We have to be quick. There are Heartless here. Don't ask how they got here, I have no idea, but they need to leave,'

    OOC: In one of my last posts, Xin told Zarix and Max to "get [their] *sses back to the castle"


    o.o Being second in command is way more fun than being first in command.
    Post by: Near, Sep 21, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Near
    Thank you ^^
    Post by: Near, Sep 21, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Near
    Halloween Town's Angel, I'm almost done with the picture.
    While I'm finishing, could you give me a recap, please? xD
    Post by: Near, Sep 20, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Near

    Before opening the portal to get to the city, she sighed. All of this had been happening becouse of her. Because she just had to investigate that strange place. Oh well, that was the past. She'd have to dal with the consequences.

    She stepped through the portal, and ended up in an alleyway. The city was exactly the same, as always. All of the houses, hotels, skyscrapers, it all was exactly the same. But something seemed different about it, something unfamiliar...

    as she walked on, she noticed that few people were out walking along the streets. It was quiet, and far different from what she usually saw. Shops were closed, along with windows, and doors were locked. It all gave Xinaram a bad feeling.

    She walked up to one door, and knocked lightly on it. A girl who looked about eleven or twelve answered the door.

    "Zuki!" The girl shouted, "I think it's your friend!"

    Another girl, looking a few years older, walked to the door.
    "Marina! I haven't seen you in a long time!"

    "It has been a while. But I need to ask you something."

    "Sure, come in."

    Xin stepped into the house.
    'This place hasn't changed a bit either,' she thought.

    "So, do you know the reason why the city is so quiet?" Xin asked.

    "Yes, There had been a roumor about a couple of guys in black walking around town. About an hour later, these... Shadows, I guess, started coming out of the floor and attacking people! And so all of the smart people in the city are hiding," Zuki explained.

    "What? Shadows? Oh, no..." Xin said, "Hey, sorry, but I gotta run. I promise I'll come back later,"

    She rushed out. She saw the Heartless's glowing eyes, but they stayed away from her, as she had no heart for them to collect. She ran around, seeing if everyone was safe, if the heartless invaded this town, then it would be a catastrophe to thier Organization. Residents of the city might find out about the rest of the world, and they couldn't let that happen. They somehow had to be stopped, in a way that doesn't include using powers or weapons. They had to act as normal citizens(Sp?), while at the same time, wiping out all of the Heartless.
    Post by: Near, Sep 20, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Near
    Xinaram sensed that two members had left the world.

    'Wherever the h*ll you are,' She mentally hissed at them, 'Get your *sses back to the castle. Now.'

    She didn't want any more trouble. It was tiring, every other second someone was in trouble, or causing trouble.

    OOC: I think "The Art of Breaking" by TFK is a good Larxel song.
    Post by: Near, Sep 20, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Near
    Because I'm not.

    Why is Sora's hair brown?
    Post by: Near, Sep 20, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Near
    Good point.

    But I'm not sure if they'd really be brother and sister, because they just don't look like it. And it doesn't seem right for some reason.
    Post by: Near, Sep 20, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  18. Near
    I've never had any problem with my game or either of my GBAs.
    Post by: Near, Sep 20, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  19. Near

    The new logos are awesome.

    I can't wait for these games to come out!
    Post by: Near, Sep 19, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  20. Near
    I made the mistake of wanting the last mobile phone game. x.x

    But this one seems better. I hope it comes out in North America.
    Post by: Near, Sep 19, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates