"Come on," Xadyn opened a Corridor of Darkness and stepped through it, ending up in Xinaram's room. He saw everyone else, and calmly commanded, "Everyone, leave. We're going to need complete concentration." He looked on at Xinaram, on the bed. With extreme caution, he picked up her cold, frozen body, and laid her on the floor, at least seven feet away from anything that could disturb the process of saving her life. Another message was sent to Xangel. 'Get to Xin's room, now. It's an emergency.' OOC: Xin must have a huge room. o.o
Xadyn gasped, "Why the h*ll didn't you tell me this before!? How can it be stopped?" He wasn't one to let anyone die. Especially Xin. Sent a message back to Xangel. 'We might, be prepared.'
OOC: My mom messed around with the monitor and now it's really messed up x.x BIC: Xadyn replied, "My name is Xadyn. As you know, I'm Number I of the nameless Organization, and Xinaram is second in command," OOC: If you didn't know, Xadyn is pronounced "zay-den" xP Short post! =O
OOC: If we did, would there be much point to this thread? I dunno. We'll see how it goes, xD BIC: "Yeah," he responded. "The average age in our group is about sixteen. We all have our individual stories, but the main reason we formed an Organization, was that we were tired of being alone. Seeing the people walking across the street from me, talking and laughing, having a good time, while I was left alone, not even feeling the emptiness inside, it was just... Unbearable. I couldn't stand it anymore. I knew there must be others out there who felt the same," He paused, and thought for a moment. "I'm sure if you asked any of the other members of my organization, they'd say almost the same thing," OOC: I was really hyper a few minutes ago. o.o And I've had an unusually large amount of spelling errors and typos today, even at school.
"Hmph. Fine. I found this place, because Xin had found this place. It was originally Xin's idea to spy on you. She knew about Kingdom Hearts, somehow. She had realized what you were doing. And, I admit, it was much more than a good idea. Attracting hearts to your world. We also knew, that we couldn't just steal the idea. Kingdom Hearts is like a magnet. Hearts from any world in this universe, when they are released from the Heartless, gather in your world. And, just like a magnet, if there are two, they push away. It would ruin your scheme, as well as any that we would put into action." He paused for a second, "I had no idea that she had taken it this far. I had only told her to come here three, maybe four times. But, as it seems, she did a lot more sneaking around than I thought... And she revealed herself! I can't believe she could be that stupid. I didn't mean for this to happen. I'm sorry, but I know that my apologies won't make up for what we've done..." He dismissed his sword. "So, any more questions?"
"Arggh! D*mn you all! What the h*ll do you want with Xin anyway!?" He shouted. He touched her wrist lightly, and he and Xin both dissapeared in a cloud of Darkness. They appeared in Xin's bedroom, and he set Xin on the bed. Her whole body was frozen, he was amazed that she was still alive. 'D*mn them..' He thought. He didn't want to leave her there, but he had to go back. He had a lot of questions, and he needed to find answers, perferably quickly. Xadyn reappeared in the same location, his sword ready. "So, what the h*ll did you want with Xin?"
"Xadyn!" She yelled. She was Really tired of being pushed around now. There was ***-kicking to be done. She summoned one of her weapons, which took a lot of her energy, but she still had enough energy to hit Vexen in the back of the head with it, which she did. He fell over, he didn't expect that. She ran to Xadyn, wanting to help him. "Go. You need to go home, where it's safe," Xadyn saw all of Xinaram's scars and wounds, and continued. "You can't fight in the state you're in right now." "Yes I can!" she argued, " I might not be able to give my best right now, but I can still try," Xadyn looked at her eyes and saw, she was not going to go home. She was determined to stay and fight. He gave a slight nod. She turned to face Axel. "Well, then, Axel. It seems I haven't given up," She said.
Nociting, but ignoring Vexen, he growled,"I said, let her go," He jumped and slashed at Axel, he wouldn't leave until he was sure she was safe. He sent a message to Gwyxn. 'Number VI, get out here, but pull your hood up first. Make sure no one can see your face.'
OOC: Tehshigrl, Please use this form: Name: <Has to have an X in it!> Age: <Anywhere between fourteen and eighteen.> Eye color: Hair: Skin color: Clothes:Black Organization coat. (Every member wears this!) Number: <VI is taken. Look at the first post to see whats available.> Element/Ability/Power/Whatever you want to call it/: Weapon: Title: <Personality here> BIC: Xinaram sensed someone behind them. She didn't know or care if Axel sensed it too, but she knew it was someone form her organization. A cooridor of darkness could be heard, but she couldn't turn around to see who it was, as Axel had a tight hold on her shoulders. She recognized his voice, though. "I'll be taking Xin back now. Thank you." He had his sword out, and was ready for a battle.
OOC: Sure, who do you want to be?
"No, there's just blood dripping from the scar that I'll have for all eternity," she responded. Not taking a step, she looked around. "This is the biggest lab I've ever seen. And only "Vexen" works here?"
"D**n it!" she yelled. She had enough of this. 'D**N IT YOU GUYS! I told you not to get yourselves in danger! You could have at least thought of a better plan! ' All of the members of her organization heard this mental message. 'It's too late to turn back now, I guess. I think I'm in the castle basement. If you come, come as agroup, there are way too many people here for just one of you to handle.' The majority of her smaller wounds were almost fully healed already. She didn't know how a fight would go though, so she wouldn't get herself in one.
Xinaram turned around, and looked at the floor. She really didn't need to see that. 'What. The. H311.' She thought. OOC: o.o I was thinking the same thing as Xin, LMAO.
OOC:I never said Xinaram didn't succeed in sitting up. =P "Thank you," Xinaram said, carefully getting off of the bed, as to minimize the pain left from her injuries. "But I think I can walk now. Unless, of course, you didn't trust me? It's not like I can do much anyway." She successfully stood up, and looked toward the doorway, where she could still sense her friends. EDIT: o.o I'm seriously checking this thread every other second for new posts. xD
Xinaram didn't like being refered to as a "Prisoner". She was tired of following along now. Staying silent didn't do anything, but in her condition, she couldn't really do anything herself anyway. She couldn't do anything herself. She desperatly didn't want to put her friends in danger, but knowing them, together they'd be fine. She couldn't decide whether to call for help now, or to wait... This might actually come out fine; she didn't want to take a risk, when lives were on the line, though. She had almost died, they could very well do worse to her comrades... She decided to wait. It was better if only she was there, if Organization XIII decided to kill them, only she'd be there to kill.
What they didn't know, was that the others alerted themselves. Even though they knew that she wouldn't like it, they came for her. At least she knew that she could rely on her fellow members. It didn't seem that Axel was so fortunate. The last two parts alarmed her. What was this mixture he was talking about? And being unable to defend herself infront of an enemy that might kill you at any minute... Who wouldn't be alarmed by that?
She was a lot more alert now than she was when she woke up. She finally had the mental energy now to send a message to Xangel. 'You know, I can sense you there, I don't want any of you risking your lives for me. Everything's going to be fine, just give me some more time.' It gave her a slight headache, but that was okay. There were many questions that Xinaram wanted to ask at the moment, but she was debating whether or not to, because she might sound suspisious asking questions. She hesitated, but finally asked, "Who is Number IV?" OOC: I'm assuming Xangel is the only one besides Xin and Xadyn that can send and recieve mental messages.
OOC: If you actually try to do something like that, wait 'till *TwilightNight* and Nymph of Destiny get back on.
She recieved the mental note, but she didn't have the energy at the moment to send one back. This frusterated her, but still, she was helpless to do anything about it at the moment.