Yeah, you do seem kinda upset. You sure?
Okay... If you're sure... I can stand it though, I just don't prefer it. ^^ Hey, khchick
Uhm.. No, sowwy :( I mean, I don't have anything against people who do, it's just not for meh. Yuri neither.
^.^ Augh, yaoi!! *le yuckeh* Awez, hey, Chibi!! Wait, is Chibi here?
Hullo! *waves* ^_^ Have we met? If not, I'm LAH or Macie, pick whatever. The Insane Child. ^^ Isn't Photoshop uber expensive?
*ish confused but protects Tidus anyway* A Yojimbo's life for me, I guess. Two muskrats!! *disappears in cape*
I remember Chibi! I also remember I had to protect Tidus from him >.> I'm bored too, AnimeGirl! Hiii, mommy! Nahh, not a stupid question at all.
Oy. *stares at Tidus for a long time* *shakes head* Oy. Have at it! He's your person!
O.o Tidus, I dun think that's a wise choice. Remember last time? Drunk Tidus = Not Good That's not sad, DP!! I do that all the time! As for card ideas... Sorry :( My creativity fails me.
Awe, are you all right, DP? Hehe, Tidus and Zack fighting reminds me of... Well, something, but I can't think of it.
Insanity?! Where?! Oh, wait, that's my job >.> Speaking of which...
Now that I think about it, he does. But he claims not to be a vampire, so he won't answer meh questions. T.T ACK!! It's Seymour!! NUUU!!! *hides in Vincent's cloak*
Yeah, I think he does too. But of course, he being the heliophobis vampire he is...
The Sanctuary Remix is goood! Yuna, you look so prettayful!! -Dad- Oh, well, I wasn't sure. Sowwy :( Once again, I'm not a vampire. Stop asking before I shoot you again. Nyeh, it's not Marly's fault for listening to me. ...Actually it is, but-nevermind. Just don't shoot him. >.>
}=) *isn't a fan of TifaXCloud either* ^^ *pokes NED* Are you mad at meh? *hesitantly takes Cerberus*
Yeah... I don't think I've ever heard that song, DP. BTW, I love your Cloud and Tifa sig, HisNobody. XD
That's good :) I'm all right, I guess.
HisNobody!! *tackleglomps* How are you?
Whaaat? Why are you closing your site? Oh. Good idea. *hides in cloak* Nyahhhh, get in here! He'll keel us!! Well, you, maybe, 'cause he loves meh so much, right, Vinnie? I'm only here until Demyx gets back. *shoots Marluxia with extra gun* Now give me back Cerberus. Meanie-head. I won't let him keel anyone!