That's good. You forget who I am. Yeh, you're a vampire with magical vampiric abilities. ... When he doesn't say anything, just know we're all in for a mess of trouble. You're going first. WHAT?!! But.. Remember how much you luff meh?!
-DP- ^^ I mees Demyx. At least he showed emotion, unlike someone. Not mentioning any names... *points at Vinnie behind hand* I saw that You did no such thing!! *runs with replica of beautiful cape* Hey, Sorafan! How are you?
Nyaha~, good idea!! "Run, run away"~!! (Demy!! :( ) XDD
WE LUFF YOU TOO!! Isn't that 'Loser' by 3 Doors Down, DP? Sounds cool
Nyeh, Vincent is a vampire, who knows? But I think he's gonna keel me soon XD Don't touch me. *shoots Marluxia* That was so uncalled for!! Meanie!! T.T *pokehs Vincent constantly* ... Look out! He's gonna twitch~!
Jeez, I know how you feel, Aerith. I had carved the names of all the KH characters into my notebook, and some guy stole it and said, "That show's for little kids." Man I wanted to hit him. But I don't really like him in the first place. I'm not a vampire. I'm not going to turn you into one. I don't want a cell phone. Go. Away. Yesh, really! But that's why you've got us!! Trust meh, I learned that the hard way.
Hey dad, Marly, khchick! *hugs* I'm okay, what about you all? I misseded you too! Oh, Vincent's right here. Sometimes I hate you. I'm feeling the luff. Hey, KairiXRiku! I love you uber uber lots!! How are you?
Hey guys, what's going on?
Ah, sweet! Sounds like you had fun! I'm all right, thanks. *sighs and rubs eyes* I'll be back in a bit.
Yeah, I'm good! How are you guys?
I'm sorry.. It's something I have to deal with on my own. You're one of my best buds, too, you really are, but, you know... You are already helping me. You're letting me know you're there for me. ...Right?
There isn't anything wrong. I didn't mean to hint anything, 'cause I wasn't really trying to. And if I do say anything.. Well, I just need to keep them to myself.
*screams* AH! *hides head* Please dun keel meh!!
School was torture. But I'm still living! How are we today, guys?
Thanks. Me too. Well that was really kind of pointless on my part, so I'm gonna go for real this time. Bye guys.
*sighs* Sometimes I don't luff you, Vincent. Talking about it makes you feel better. Since when did you become a shrink? All the others didn't help my problems anyway. But, yeah, I think I'm fine. I don't know what's going on with myself anymore. I just kinda feel like I'm watching my life like a movie, and not doing anything.
I wouldn't care if you killed me in the first place, Sephiroth. Hah, what a little girl. Even I never had tea parties. Anyway, I think I'm gonna go. I feel awkward.. out of place for some reason. What's the matter with you? I don't wanna talk about it, Vincent. Something is wrong, you didn't call me by any of your little nicknames for me. Just.. not right now, okay?
Awe, well, bye, DP, AnimeGirl!! :( Sleep well when you head that way! *stares at Sephiroth* Man, I'm not scared of you, Sephy. Leave her alone, Sephiroth.
*throws rock at Sephiroth's head* ...Hi.
-DP- O.o What's happening? -khchick- All right...