Yeah, I was kind of being sarcastic. Sorry.
Oh, I see. Sounds like fun.
Well that's good. (more random words)
Evil children.. Morning, guys. How are you all?
Yeah, one of these posts in a second will do it. We promised mom we wouldn't be emo, remember? Or were you there? Either way, sorry to burst your emoness. :(
...? We've almost got 1500 pages.
*flicks evil side of NED on forehead* That was uncalled for. Now that Marly is dead, who's gonna help me steal Zexion's hair? And if Zexy's dead, who's hair am I going to steal with Marly?
*hugs dad* Hm... Well then...
Oh. Marly, Marly, Marly... *shakes head* Shame on you. *smirks and grabs Cerberus* *hugs* Hey.
What all did I exactly miss?
I'm gonna get off here guys.
...Thank you. Marluxia, you're never gonna learn, are you, man?
*huggles KairiXRiku super duper uber tight* Yay!! Love you lotsss~! We're family, we have to stick together.
Yesh, but his eyes are a pretty supah red!! Uhm.. Vincent, I have never told you that I thought you had beautiful eyes!! So, please don't kill me, okay? *stops chasing after them* I'm supposed to be protecting you, not running after you.
I agree. Please don't leave. But I don't think anyone could stand if you left again, Ian.
*le gaspeh* I'd be uber uber upset, KairiXRiku!! ..You aren't gonna leave, are ya!?
No, dad isn't in his own little world, trust me. We're escaping from Vincent, who's trying to keel us. But I dun care, I've done so many things to the poor guy. But he can't keel dad!! Bad Vincent!! Something was wrong? Why, what's wrong with him?
I agree. He hasn't been this mad since... Weeeell.. Remember that time you took his claw and I took his cape? Yeh, I think this just surpassed it. BTW, did any of you talk to Tyler last night? He told me he posted here. And hey, Sora Lexa!
Oy. Look a few posts up. *points* Hey again, khchick!
You know, for some reason... I AGREE!! *runs but then goes back and takes Cerberus* Nyaha~! *sees Vincent's face* Oh, crap. *runs again* I'll still luff you after all this, Vinnie! *waves* Hi, Ian. How are you?