He might be, but I can always get him another one on his birthday. How do you know my birthday? It's in October, with mine. But black is much cooler. And Marluxia... You're dead. *strangles Marluxia* Sorry.
I scanned one of my drawings and then it stopped so I had to restart it. ...What? I said you could stay with Zack on Friday since Aerith is going to be gone. I thought I had to watch you? I don't know if I'll be here then... I don't know anything about you.
Nah, don't worry, Marly. You didn't. That was mine. Then where is Cerberus? I have it!! *looks at claw* Uh oh. (I hate my computer T.T)
Oh, no. *hides* . . . He might explode and twitch at the same time if we're lucky!!
*hugs Marluxia* Sure! That pretty head of yours isn't full of air! Entirely. No one asked you! I do love your cloak, NED, where ever did you get it? :D
See ya, Axel12! Take care! *pokes Vincent* Nyah~!
Yesh he is!! *glares* Don't look at me like that, meanie-face. Five-year-old. I could say some naaaaaaasty things, Vincent, but I choose not to, 'cause I take the high road!! And I luffles you too much! ^^ And that is a very wise idea, Marly!
I absolutely think Chibi Vinnie is adorable! Yayness for Marly! Now, as long as Vincent doesn't knock him out... XD Nice. Reeeal nice. (Meh seester just left for prom. She lookeded so purty! She and meh brother are so grown-up now! *tear*)
Yeah, I think he is too. (love the avi by the way XD) WHAT?! Didn't Marly already have it? Oh, no... Vincent's gonna kill me! Literally! This claw is too big! Why must you have man-hands, Vinnie? ... Shut up >.>
Hey! Nah, it's cool. *pokes* Nu, stay alive~! Please? What is it with you people and my cape? Who doesn't want a vampire cape? *steals over-sized claw again* *maniacal laughter*
I'll miss you, Aerith! ...Are those ebil bald men gone? Nyaha, Zack can stay with Vinnie~!
Awe! *huggles KairiXRiku uber tightness* It's okay! That's what you've got us for. Remember, I found that out the hard way. (Funny how I don't listen to myself *sarcastic laugh at me*) And if that friend of yours didn't wanna be friends with you, then she wasn't a friend worth having.
Hey. *hugs* I'm okay, and you? I'm listening to you, KairiXRiku!
Hey, what'd I miss? And you aren't a nobody, KairiXRiku!
Yeah, I really did like it. Hey, KairiXRiku! I'll be back later, guys!
*claps* That didn't suck at all, I liked it. Very heartfelt.
That's great, you're almost done. *raises hand* I would
Oh no, it's the ebil bald men!! *hides in Vincent's cape*
Ah, I see. It was very well-made. TifaXCloud is okay, I just usually don't prefer it :o
Sure :) (filler filler filler filler filler)