Ifrit?! That sounds like a City of Bones term!!
We're afraid of muskrats because they are stalker guests!!
Nope, not at all! It was pretty dang fun too.
Nyaha, I have, Ian!!
Bye, Axel12! Take care!! *waves*
Drunk Tidus = Funny, but still not good
( I have no idea.)
Bye, KairiXRiku!!
Yeah, sure, anytime! ^,^ That's good.
I liked that one a lot too, KairiXRiku!! Hey there, Axel12, Sora Lexa! How are you two?
Poor Zexion, he's been scarred too X_X *hides HisNobody* I'ma go watch it, KairiXRiku!
*points at person with pink hair* ...Marluxia!!
That's good! I'm all right, bit frightened, but okay. -DP- WOOOW!! We don't have it here >.>
Hey, DP! How are you? Oh em Gee! Did you? That's awesome! Hey, HisNobody!! *huggles DP and HisNobody* How are you?
I liked it uber lots!!
*glares at flower* Just accept him to make him stop. *shakes head*
Yeh, I should have figured that out by now. I'm not going to tell you again. I'm not a vampire!!
...Thanks. XD Sorry, Marly. You know how Vincent gets when people take his stuff.. I am not a vampire. Marluxia is never gonna give that up, is he?
You made it?
Ian! You made it! Congratulations!! Oh. Well, okay. Really? That's awesome!! *pulls gun out of "lava"* Vincent, it's okay! It was soup!! *throws Cerberus to Vinnie* *revives Marluxia*