Yayness for eyes!! *pulls out boxes of K Bars from magical pocket* Have some! Have 'em all! *gives to HisNobody*
*stares into telescope* I see... an eye!!
Don't worry about me, you seely geeses!! (O.o at herself)
Don't worry 'bout me, I'll be good.
I dunno. I feel sick. But I'm good, thanks :)
Hey, you all right, HisNobody? Oh. Dun worry, Macie too.
Nyaha! Poooor Marly. I'll pray too!!
Yeah! If I'm talking up here, you gotta do it too!! *pokes*
Yeah, I've seen him!! And rachel, NED's a boy. :)
Bye byez, DP! Take care! *pokes NED* Yeah, if I'm rambling on up here, you've gotta do it too!! :p Nyahhh~, he left.
I'm just talking/rambling about anything and everything!!
No, you were mean to HisNobody. Thus, you got flicked with a rubberband.
*flicks Tidus with rubberband* That was mean!
I thought he meant an ifrit from this book I read...
I don't need Tidus to know they are deadly!! Hey, rachel!
I gots an idea! Let's make Tidus test them first!!
Hah Poor Tidus!! But I still wouldn't eat them... Bye byez, twilit! Take care!
No, I can understand that completely. Believe me, you aren't alone.
*clings back* Yeah, and ifrit never was a good thing... I don't trust those cookies, then.
I know how that feels, khchick...