hmm which version you using Final Mix....?? if u have final mix then tru using this form dont remember who made this code but its totally awesome XD: Power Mode(Jokered To R2) 11CE0B6A 00000688 11CE0B6C 0000061C E005FDFF 0034D45C 21C95674 5F303031 21C95678 4631484B 11CE0B68 00000058 4032F064 00130001 03010200 00000000
lol whys that..........??
hmm thats strange cause i played as roxas one time in Pride lands.............
hmm yup but the battle was made by me meaning i recorded the battle ^^
lol yup i noticed that ^^" anyway thnx for informing :)
hmm it should be the same one Slot 1 ...........
lol thnx again :P
well it shoudl no reason it shouldnt but the game will probably crash when xemnas does his RC or hius draning attack so yea ^^"
hmm wel try the new one i gave you.......
No Prob :) hmm dont knw check it.............
lol you knw you can stop saying yes nw :P ^^"
^^ well yea :)
NO Prob :) oh and well i tried and this is the result i got of porting the weapon Mod: Weapon Replacement Mod: 1207F156 0000???? 120B2E0A...
No Prob and Thnx :)
........ ^_^ ........
hmm no problem but it will mostly crash........
Glad to help :)
hmm so does that work....??
haha lol :P here:
wait ill upload it ;)