Hey :).......
hmm dont think there is.......
yup for codebreaker day1 files for AR Max "Max codelist Manager"
hmm thats good :)
yea sry didnt got that ^^"
lol im good :)
actually i was telling him that axels digit was a typo so yea :S
hey im good you tell whats up?? ^^
LOL well the game is good but the attack animation are well kinda weird since they Ram each other ^^" although you can improve the game and also in Sora vs Marluxia The WINNER is ..............................MARLUXIA XD Edit: Larxene vs Riku = Larxene :) Axel vs Vexen = Axel
hmm well dnt know about GSDX and ye asure ill send you my both Bios and plugins :)
home sleeping :P kk nw enough spam ^^"
yup .......
lol ^^ :P....... EDIT: thought ill make this: Mission Mod Slot 1 Mod: 0204C65B 000000?? the digits are the same as the one from Story Mode Mod so yea :)
lol yea its really old :)
well all the new codes are supposed to be on first page but i dnt think there are any new codes ^^
yup thats it leave a line and then enter a new code and then click Patch RAM and change rooms that should activate the other code also ^^
lol yea i can see that XD so anything new :)
hmmm nw that is weird........ hmmm...............
hm all of them crashes when you RTC
Wow the AMvs good and i mean both of them XD