lol thnx :)
hmm lol kk done :)
hmm thnx :)
This is another test i was checking to see if the audio comes fine without the song running in the background and well the results were........... well guess you'll jus have to find out yourself :P oh and BTW this was also one of the request from: Alfredo22222222222
Still waiting for the link to get uploaded ^^
Promise :)
oh lol hmm kk well ill download Skype but tomorrow since m feeling really sleepy :P
y isnt that your skype ID....??
yup it works you added me XD
hmm let me check......
lol so you r a german hmm........ hmm kk but first send me your ID ill try adding you in MSn then lets see that does that give you a confirmation...
hmm bnut i remember that Blitz form had wisdoms model and Valors clothes an everything..........
hmm dnt knw since i dnt knw the UCM of the enemies and such things except the normal playable characters ^^"
lol yea i knw its free but its jus that i dont like creating accounts on Skype :P hmm anyway give me your ID ill try adding you on MSN and tell me...
hmm dnt think so cause that keyblade is attached to his model ^^"
hmm well then how will we talk except KHV cause i dnt have skype..........
hmm..... Model Swap.........
:( sry no and yea :) give me your ID :)
hmm hey Maik you on MSN...??
hmm simple jus input the digits for Sheld and Keyblade and convert it :) or input the digits and give me ill convert it :)