lol well that still didnt help since i have to port fom J region to NTSC and they are talkin to port from NTSC to PAL and vice-versa ^^" anyway i...
^^ thnxs jakey :)
hmm so any updats on the game except riku can you magic and stuff ^^
hmm if you dont mind can you give me the link.....?? :(
^^ kk thnx ill try it out and tell u how is it... :D EDIT:lol well it was an interesting fight between Marluxia and Vexen especially when Vexen freezed Marluxia :D cant wait for other characters to get their animation :D
Well you should check it out alot of new stuff has been added :D hmm probably Dark Firaga and stuff
lol well not on porting XD
lol i guess XD so anythin new oh and i still havent forgotten that you have to teach me porting :P
yea i think Dragon Xemnas is a bit too much for the room to handle ^^"
umm yea i tihnk he get the point that his model crashes the game ^^"
hmm good :)
lol kk but later ^^
hmm you have to download EMuhaste
Your album those are rom hacks right.....
thanks :)...
lol kk XD..
??? whose model.......??
120b2d3f 00003272 120b2d26 00003272
lol not nw but m goin to downlaod it :)
kk first of all the characters as boss codes is really hard to make since even the coders havent completed the code for Sora and Roxas as Boss since you have to give him all the animation and not to mention target mod and now guys for terra fanatics well now heres the deal you cant get terras blade cause its not even inputed in teh game and as for playing as terra complete waste of time isnce he'll be a mushball and you wont even understand where his legs,head ,hand etc. even ar ecause of the mushballness so yea i thought ill tell u these simple things and also as for making codes its not as easy since it takes days to find the right address and lines to make the code as for animation you have to input the digit right into the right address for the code to works otheriwse its jus a complete waste of time so yea .........