well you can convert them using Omniconvert....
yup ^^".....
lol well no forgot these coding things since i left coding for 2 months and i forgot everythin XD yea i knw but i want it XD
oh well creatin gthe code for DW Sora :P
lol well i think thats supposed to happen since he cant fit in the room ^^"
lol kk ^^... but you can jus write a dispute and give credits to the maker of the song and stuff anf you can get your old video back ^^ thats what i do
lol well i do need some help ^^
Well yup I'm one step ahead of you i recorded six Boss battle 1.Saix 2.Xion First Form 3.Xion Second Form 4.Xion Third Form 5.Xion final Form...
yup ^^........
yup that has been but DW Sora with Valors Moveset not its own moveset ^^
yea sure i dnt mind ^^ oh and no i didnt checked Ansem yet (goes to check ) :P and cool two new character XD EDIT:Well checked it and it was awesome except that mayb Master Xehanort was too strong or Vanitas was too weak XD oh and also i found out that when you maximize the screen right well the size doesnt increase its of the same size as it is :(
Tryin to hack DW Sora :(
oh hmm kk so anyway sup ^^
^^ :P can you coe on MSn for a bit.....??
no prob anytime Roxas can perform Reaction Commands 95ZB-8DC7-GZWQQ YK7H-ZWGV-20HBU 8NZ7-K6QT-Y7ANX
its already ported: DW Roxas can perform Reaction Commands (some of them still dont' appear tho) 5GVB-2CDX-XCNR2 YK7H-ZWGV-20HBU GUJ8-274X-JJ8TA
hmm fight the Cpyright Dispute XD so i can see the AMV that is :)
HEy Evil if you want i can help you in recording videos for Days hmmm.......??
well easy jus download it 1.start the game 2.When the game has emulated/started click Read RAM on Emuhaste 3.At the side there will be a box in...
hmm but they are saying about this - and + thing......