Happy Birthday !! :D
hmm well u can say that and il tel u which of them are DMA on is texture mod(A code that replaces the characters texture/Body Colour to the players clothes/Body) Play as Bosses
Well Razor said that he MIGHT not release the code so yea and i dont hitnk hell give the code so yea again...... ^^"
hmmmm well actually no since it doesnt work that way they arent jokers that will change he copntrols of the setting and even if it does i think it will be DMA idk but most probably this code cant be hacked........
hmm can you give me the font.......
well the model viewer is asking for a password to extract...... and it says KH2 Model viewer so how will it let me view KH1 models...........
hmm well do u still have the font............
hmm well i follow but can you give me the model viewer and also the models are hey completed or jus the models and the rest without the...
Wow riku i saw your album of Kingdom Hearts:Heart of Darkness how did u made those pics ?? :)
hmm i dnt think that can be possible since those are controls so go in the game and check the controls if there is a way to change it then cool if not it cant be done.....
hmm nice how did u made these codes......??
oh Awesome yea i get that but then how was the address for the second hand mod made e.g: Second Weapon Mod: Valor 1032EE24 0000???? Wisdom 1032EE5C 0000???? Limit Form 1032EE94 0000???? Master Form 1032EECC 0000???? Final Form 1032EF04 0000???? Anti-Form 1032EF3C 0000???? Lion Sora 1032EF74 0000???? Dual Wielding Roxas 1032F01C 0000????
hmm can u give me the font.... ?? :)
hmm kk but then how did they found out limits second weapon Address....??
^^ well it mods the forms yup but since it moded the form how was DW Limit made from it...?? ^^"