Oops. :sideways: Oh yea, the link didn't work so I didn't get to see it, could you reupload it to a image hosting site?
...omfg the link. XD
>_< how very fun. Right then, see ya. I had two chairs and a blanket, it was comfy~ Pfft, I feel fine now, 30 minutes is surprisingly refreshing.
Higher: I slept half an hour after I fell sleep on the keyboard 8D Then I resumed right where I left off before I fell asleep. Xennex: >_< Same
Oh yea, Xennex, do you have the program?
Besides Deii, all the rest are online friends. Unless you count the one that likes some of the songs but doesn't really care to actually find out what Vocaloid is.
I think I also got like... 5 other people into it as well. Then it doesn't really apply to you, unless you want to type like you're from one of those three places.
I introduced him to it I think >_> He's gonna be Kaito for Halloween Yea, but you don't live in Canada, Europe, or (I think) Australia, do you? No, sorry, I did read it though. Depressed? Actually, I'm laughing.
We all phail Xennex, we all do. Needless to say, I think everyone here knows about how bad I can mess up sometimes. >_>
XD Chandi isn't in the series, I've never seen it actually. >_< Chandi is an OC, or more accurately, a HC. The character design is prettyful.
Some stuff, then some more stuffs then BOOM then time reversed and it was just stuffs without the BOOM. Chandi~~~~ so prettyful. *envys owner* >_<
GT bish >_> Or is it still glitching?
Diba dibadi da do do di da di dai adiadiaid do do jkozsdkgjfubidjbv HAMSTER DANCE
It doesn't matter, I couldn't have asked any more of that day. Besides, it couldn't be helped, so why bother taking a second thought to it?
Besides two things, the day couldn't have been more perfect.
KuroiChoucho is an art goddess I met at AK08. Much love for her amazing art~ It just has something that I could never match, her style is just so awesome.
Dude, I got one from KuroiChoucho and it rocks. I merely didn't feel like stopping.
Because it was to interesting to stop.
I believe I already said this. I was up all nigth reading. I took a little half an hour 'nap' though, because I couldn't keep my eyes open. Surprisingly the half hour is really refreshing, I feel fine now.
I literally fell asleep on the keyboard.