*facedesk* It took me a minute to figure out why I couldn't log in..... I haven't had to log in since the name change XD I forgot I needed to put 'Sai' instead of 'Kikame'
Oh, right XD I forgot about that. Okay good, I though I stupidly clicked negative by accident or something. >_< Edit: gotta go, I'll be back later
Wait...what? Does it say I gave you negative rep rather than positive?
For convenience sake, maybe a page or two would make this make a bit more sense. One moment.
Did you, does that mean for you it wasn't a coincidence? Minty = Rawr His mood is set as dead and he's in a box. 8D
Well have fun when you get it. ROFL it's funny though, since I got my username changed~ You even put 'red box' XD and Minty is dead apparently. What a weird coincidence. 8D
Pick it up and throw it across the room. Oh? How so, did you go to a church or something? Hey Xennex, why can't you? Edit: OMFG two people have their location saying 'in a box' here O_O
....I don't know what day it is. I think I fell asleep again O_o Chairs make my neck hurt, I think I should go find an actual bed to sleep in. How fun. e_e
I'm fine. ......My printer is not. e_e I need a new one...maybe for Christmas. I'm gonna die if I don't get one before next summer. ;~;
..... *facedesk*
I haven't slept in two days and I wanna kill my printer.
I HATE my printer sometimes. -__-; Sup guys? (No, I STILL haven't gone to bed)
You can't make me~
But MOM...
Not yet though. I was simply saying I should, because I'm getting hyper. Such are the effects of depriving me of it. To bad it's only a weekend, I should stay up another day. That's always fun.
I call being Neuro until Deii gets enough posts for a name change~! *stands upsidedown on the ceiling* I need sleep soon I think.
NOOOOOSADNAHBNELBDSFLVK NDSLFVDFSA:SDKF; D: .... *melts and escapes* >8D *reforms and runs*
*throws up a river of brilliance* GAIZ LETS GO FOLLOW THE RAINBOW TO FIND LEPRICAUNS! 8D LA DI DA DI DA DI DA Oh look a mystery *drool* imma eet ur hed nao. Wait, wrong person imma stuffz u in a box nao. kthxbai. Bye rhymes with Sai, Sai is the pronunciation of 'X', X marks the spot I am leaving to find burried treasure HIGH HO YAR HAR FIDDLE DEE DEE~! Let's saill off across the sea in a ship made of posicle sticks. FLAPJACK lulz wut?
I haven't either. I hear /b/ is fun with image block on though... I stick to papercraft and origami for the most part e_e Edit: See ya Higher
Prettyful~ But yea...only the +18 boards are really that bad. e_e