It's for the other girls, and the wimpy guys. Right...why exactly?
Teacher would water it down though. Tackles are 'not allowed' :sideways: When? You pretty much...always here.
I say we should play it more while the ground is still clear, rugby too. Other games can wait till snow falls, as long as we have the field. The amount of running sucks, but it's fun. Also, do you ever go to school Burnitup?
Football, the REAL football.
-__-; Uh yea, of course it's going to hurt.
I decided the rest of the team where being wusses, so I rushed the ball because no one else was going to, and otherwise they would get a goal, I crashed into this other guy right before he took a shot, and somehow got knocked into the air, fliped upside down, and fell on my back, kinda bounced, and ramed the back of my head into the ground. Another kid topped that though, he got 'clothes lined' and was gushing blood out of his nose.
"Good question, who knows?" Vash sighed and thought for a moment "A town may not be the safest place though, considering what's happened to the rest of them."
...yea, I had school e_e I had an epic wipeout in gym. It hurt.
Having fun with my name Higher? XD Never read any of those, but I have heard of most of them, I guess I'll have to try them. I think I should start with After School Nightmare >_> XD but yea, I think I may try Beck, I heard it's pretty good. e_e now to see if OneManga has it....
e_e Gotta go back, see ya guys. Higher, try and think of some other manga please, I'll check when i get back from school.
Of course, Hiiiiigher >_<
Yea, pretty much. You're reading it right? Edit: I hate staying here e_e the computer sucks, and I get not time for anthing, plus I never get left alone edit:I'm getting kicked off for a bit... Edit: or not... Mint, Can you get on GT please? It's boring without anyone to talk to >_<
It must be because you can drive and you're sober.
Hmm... any fluffy hellsing? XD I dunno, bloody things are great if they have a good story. It's also nice to have a little comedy mixed in. Why not list some recent favorites that you have read then I can see what I haven't read from those. Hey minty. Higher, you leaving?
Uhhh.... a LOT of them -__-;
You read manga, right? Any recomendations? I'm almost done the one I'm reading <_> Ugh, almost done my novel too. I need to find something for after that as well.
>_< Gah, it's hard to take a break from reading to check on stuff.
e_e Either way I hate places like that... I'm slow replying >_<
e_e That's... nice.
Higher~ What's up?