Haha, maybe. But yea, it's really not so bad.
Maybe the old man has Alzheimer's. You should have, it would be fun. >_> Actually he threatened it more than once.
We've gone over this before, of course it looks as if you've forgotten again, old man. Deii, you're not alone for that one. At least partly. The other part is the exact opposite. Probably why you're always asking if I'm high in art class.
AhahahaHAHAHAHAHAA!!! >_> Why do so many people I know have random disorders? Seriously, wtf? Even me.
jerrej, you can join, just let Burnitup know you want to. Alright?
I have no idea what just happened there. e_e If you're wondering if that's MewTwo...it is. e_e I was a lame idiot when it came out and got the English dub of the movie with it in it. So yea. I also rewatched said movie a few days ago because I was insanely bored.
wraping chickens in capes...who knew. It really is a small world afterall. ..Comment no O_O
Well now, what a surprise. I had no idea people would want to be a 'rap a chicken in a cape' for a job.
Rap with an 'E'? *le gasp*
Internet seems to fail when I try reading at One Manga.... And you're not Mari-dot? XD (in reply to what you said to xennex) Sorry Minty.
Hah, yea, you're quite obsessed with a certain few things, aren't you? XD
+318.5 points. Adding to the origional 500 that's a grand total of 818.5 Nice one, not even one minus point.
My my, I AM strict, from +20 added on to the original 500, to who knows how much more. I still need to count, but it is quite a bit higher.
Going though old posts >_> Not gonna reply for a bit because of it.
Deii, care to explain matters in a simpler tone?
That's not the end of the conversation either. Do you know the rest of what I was trying to say? >_>
That's not all. Also, I'm not joking about the 4Chan thing.
Do you really now? Then what exactly AM I saying?
Well if that isn't obvious, I don't know what is. Seeing as you clearly forgot, I guess I'll just repost what you missed. That's getting old real quick. 4Chan. It's called: He reads what he misses and replys later when he can. Yea, you got it wrong, and it's dead.
It looks as if I must direct my comments to their general or actual destination. Let's try again. Burnitup: Habitual actions are hard to kill, as it seems, looks like what I said only four or five months ago hasn't been taken to mind.