"cloud, sorry i woke you up i was just wondering if i can apply for a job at the weapon's shop." she asked
namine went to cloud's house and knocked on the door...... (OOC: has anyone seen rufus, XxAxelEightxX and rena88 today???)
namine went to her house and slept for 2 hours. she woke up and went outside. she saw kairi still confused "the more you think about it, the more you'll get confused." she said while coming near to kairi. (OOC: twilightsown, sory if i stormed out earlier, i'll log out after 25 mins)
namine took a deep breath and said "i'ts a long story....." she told everything that happened. (OOC: Sory twilightsown i have to go, c ya tommorow!)
namine noticed kairi, "hey, kairi where have you been all this time?" she said (OOC: tnx 4 d summary!)
namine walked into the weapon shop, "hey, guys, are we gonna keep this whole incident to ourselves?" she said. (OOC: vincent, i suck at rping)
at roxas's house, "are we gonna keep this to ourselves?", she said to cloud and tifa (OOC: I suck at this!)
she saw his body collapsed. she wiped her tears and hugged roxas, "never do that again!", she said w/ relief
still crying and running toward roxas, "roxas, no don't go........ pls don't die!!!!!"she said. she tried to grab him by the hand, but it was too late..... " roxas, nooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!", she said while crying a lot.
she ran to the crater, where roxas is floating, while crying. "huh, what's happening???"she said as she saw roxas's body, floating.
" NO! cloud, i'm gonna fight!", still determined as she said. she saw roxas jumped to the connection "ROXAS, NO!!!!" she said and started to cry. (OOC: let's say tifa was fighting by my side)
she turned to roxas "what the......???" "roxas??". she got hit by a giant neoshadow and started to cast curaga on herself. she ran to roxas "roxas, what's happening to you?", she said.
"NO! i'm not gonna run!", she put out her Ultima Weapon keyblade and started to fight the NeoShadows " damn it! i'm not gonna let you take away one of my friends ever again!", she yelled
namine run out to see what was happening, "cloud what was that thing?", she asked.
"ha, ha, very funny roxas! i'm fine by d way do u have something to eat, i'm starved!" she said to him.
"hey cloud, is tifa ure girlfriend???" she turned to cloud and giggled. (OOC: we're at roxas's house)
"hey tifa i'm namine, are you a friend of cloud??" she said to tifa
namine woke up oh god, it's freezing.... and saw that she was alone at riku's. she stormed out of the house and went to roxas's, there she saw roxas, cloud and yoh, "hey roxas....... who are ur new frends?"
i'm gotta say, family guy but i like both the simpsons and south park
she touched the face of the blonde boy and thought "it's been so long....... i've tried to forget you a lot of times but you kept on coming back. somethimes i wondered: are we meant to be like sora and kairi, are we just like them? why do i miss you so much, roxas? why can't i get you out of my head? why, why, why??????". (OOC: tommorow i'm gonna catch up w/ you guys! does anyone want cake??? i hope roxas will wake up.)