"okay..." they both headed out to the kitchen. "hey kairi, did u tell sora about the whole "roxas almost died incident"?". namine asked kairi.
"hey, kairi! can i join you guys for breakfast???", naminé asked kairi.
"morning already???" *yawn*. naminé woke up and got out of her bed. she immediately went to riku's house and knocked on the door...
the graphics, storyline, fmv, music, characters and gameplay. pretty much everything!
"of course u can! come in..."namine said to demyx. they sat on to couch, "so.......... do u know any songs u can play in ur sitar?" she asked him.
yuna's sitting there bored to death, watching everyone "offensive arts, my butt! this is so boooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnngggggggg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
namine walked into her house and sat on the couch. she turned on the tv to see what's on "useless tv there's nothing good here!!", frustrated she went to her bed and fell asleep right away
wow good call, i never saw that! oh well, kh new game, here i come!
i don't like the card system and if they bring back it the game's gonna be pretty tough!!!!
i don't wanna sound gay but i like the girls and their vandreads
"hehehe, i hope so, it's been a long time since i've seen roxas and after our first meeting, i couldn't get him off my mind, ya know. its like i want to see him everyday for the rest of my life.... " her face was turning red " and when i thought he was dead yesterday, it felt like the whole world was falling to my feet, it was torture for me to see him like that." she almost cried. "do u think we're, me and roxas, meant to be, like you and sora are. speaking of sora, did he made a move on you already?" she asked. (OOC: twi, if u reply 2 dis post i can't reply it right away, coz i have school tommorow! c ya!)
yuna noticed the firebal ricocheting through the window but she didn't mind it. she turned to kairi "oh, i just got here and i'ts a really good thing not one hall monitor saw me or its the 1st day detention for me."
yuna hurried to magic class "crap, i'm late! stupid alarm clock!" good thing the hall monitor didn't see me..... she entered the room and saw the teacher asleep yay!. she took a seat and turned to kairi "hi, i'm yuna and you are??"
definetley passion and hikari
Kingdom Hearts character: Yuna Age: 17 Bio: good student, gets high grades, a student dat is fun to b with and a nice person
hey guys, as you know it's almost that time of year again, Christmas! i know dis is too early to bring it up but post here whatever u wnt 4 christmas, gifts, cards, money, etc......... just post it! -i want for chistmas is an iPod, ps3 and money hehehehe....:D
"it's cute and it totally suites you, buy it!', she said, she walked into another fitting room to try on a new outfit, "kairi, what do you think about this one??", she says walking out of the fitting room.
she looked out the window and saw kairi "see ya later cloud!"she stepped out of cloud's house and rushed to kairi (OOC: twilightsown (can i call u, twi?), pls post that i went shopping w/ you and u can pick all of d clothes, i have 1000zs, sorry if i'm ditsing u again, i really need to get some sleep)
"okay" , she went in and sat down on the couch
i like d new name, keep it!