i believe in ghosts: look at my story: me and my classmates were practicing for a contest at our school's gym after class for 2 weeks straight. a week b4 the competition something happened: (aug 7-9, 2006 all 5-8 pm) monday: one of my classmates were absent coz she said that she was possesed by a nun the friday before. tuesday (less scary): (she went to school) b4 our practice began she was possesed by that same nun. when she fainted ,while being possesed, we were shouting her name and others were calling our adviser for help. she woke up and started to cry. wednesday (the really scary part): at the same place, b4 the practice ended, she started to act weirdly. we ended the practice w/a prayer and after 1 second the lights went out (we still dunno if somebody turned it off or the lights just went out on its own) and we were all screaming "AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" and freaking out, i saw her faint next to our adviser. we couldn't wake her up so we had to bring her to the vice-principal's office. we were almost at the stairs when she woke up and stood. she looked at the place, where we were practicing, and started to walk to that direction, we quickly stopped her and took her downstairs. downstairs, we were almost at the vp's office when she said, "where are you taking me?? I don't wanna go w/you!", we all screamed, we knew that she wasn't w/ us anymore and me and the other girls were crying cuz we were so afraid to lose her. the other classes saw her saying those things too. luckily a Catholic Christian Formation (CCF) teacher passed by (i go to a catholic school) and tried to get the spirit out of her body, luckily the spirit of the nun was sent away (temporarily) -oh god, this still reminds me of "The Nun" movie
i believe in ghosts. to those who believe, can never see one and to those who doesn't believe, will see one
" and yet again i'm ignored" namine murmured. she looked at her watch, "oh my god, it's 9:30! i'm late for work, cloud is so gonna kill me! c ya later guys!", she stormed out of riku's house and rushed to the weapons shop. she unlocked the door and went in. pant....pant....good thing pant.... cloud isn't pant...... here yet. where is that guy pant..... and where the hell is roxas????, she sat on a chair and waited for customers business sure is getting slower by the second
yuna stepped in the new class and saw xemnas, tidus and namine there. crap, where is everyone???? damn it, i should've ditched when i had a chance!well good thing the teacher's asleep. she put her stuff down and turned to namine, "hey i'm yuna and you are....???" (OOC: who would've thought hayner is gay! i love yaoi!)
"come on, let's just clean this place before riku wakes up. let's start with the sink." (OOC: i gotta go or else, my mom will kill me!)
"okay that was weird....." namine went back to riku's house, "kairi, let's clean this place up, shall we?". she said to kairi
"it's okay, demyx! it's okay, u can stay at my place if u want." namine said to demyx
" huh, why, how and when???" namine said to demyx (OOC: sorax, y r u not onlyn at ym?)
"oh, okay demyx, be right back kairi" namine said to kairi. "so wat'sd emergency?" she said to demyx
"oh okay..... OMG, this kitchen looks just like demyx's!" namine said after seeing the place all messed up.
i'm gonna be Kairi
"Kairi, go ahead, tell Sora about the "incident", i mean if you want to." namine said to kairi.
i only use cure, cura and curaga.
"nice to meet you too, i'm yuna!", yuna said while shaking riku's hand and blushing. "i guess everyone ditched school, huh. So are you guys, gonna ditch too?"
yuna saw sora , riku and hayner in the hall. she went to them and said, "hey sora, riku and..... who are you??"
(OOC: can someone fill me in?)
"sorry, it kinda got off my mind too! let me see *thinks*.... riku, axel, sora and demyx wasn't there.", namine said to kairi. (OOC: thanks 4 d tip!)
"yeah, we probably should. what about the others who doesn't know about it??", namine asked kairi. (OOC: i'm trying to make an avatar and a siggy)
"so, are you gonna tell it to him or not?" namine asked kairi. (OOC: twi, do u have a pic of namine and kairi w/ different clothes?)
Player: hikki_kairi Character Desired (character from game, or created one): naminé Interests: anything, i guess Hobbies: drawing and sketching Personality: nice, humble and a really great friend Attire: Build: quiet, cute and nice