Thank you. <3 I wish I could just fly down to Georgia right now so I could be with him. Stupid distance. >:
*sighs* I hope so too.
I will. I just called my dad and he told me he's in the emergency room. ._. ...I might get off in a few minutes, okay? I mean, it's not like I...
lol, I love your avatar.
That's so true. I really want to see them in concert. xD
Yeah, I know. xD
lol, that too. I was actually going to say that, but I had no idea what your reaction would be. xDD
Yes, yes, YES. He is so awesome. <3
I know. I would freak. xD
Steppin' Out ~ Manafest
I was just wondering that. I probably could, but I don't know.
Ah. Well, I just checked that concert again. And they have three tickets available...each worth about $81. I don't think he would pay that much...
Really? I've been a fan since Collide came out.
It's pretty cool. ^^ So, do you know why they traded drummers?
See, now from the beginning, I said they should have a female sing the second verse, and whaddyaknow, now they do. xD Her voice is pretty good....
Really? ....*goes to listen*
The blonde? She sings? I did not know that. ._. I mean, I knew the female guitarist/keyboard player sang, but I didn't know the drummer did. ...I...
I have something to tell you~ 8D Pm time?
Now I'm really interested in doing one. ._. lol, I'm singing The Last Night.