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  1. Pure Beats~
  2. Pure Beats~
  3. Pure Beats~
  4. Pure Beats~
  5. Pure Beats~
  6. Pure Beats~

    Relient K

    Relient K is awesome. <3

    I love their song "Mood Rings", as well as "Be My Escape", "Which to Bury, Us or the Hatchet" "Who I am Hates Who I've Been."

    There are others, but I just can't think of them at the moment. xD
    Post by: Pure Beats~, Nov 12, 2008 in forum: Music
  7. Pure Beats~
  8. Pure Beats~
  9. Pure Beats~
  10. Pure Beats~
  11. Pure Beats~
  12. Pure Beats~
  13. Pure Beats~
    That is awesome; I absolutely love it. Sho ftw.

    Just one thing; the arms seem a bit thin for his body. That could be just me, but I thought I would point that out.

    It's still a great drawing, though. Great job.
    Post by: Pure Beats~, Nov 12, 2008 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  14. Pure Beats~
    Thank you. <3

    Wow, really? Thanks.

    That's my favorite as well.

    Yeah, I don't know what happened to the the third one. I sharpened it, but it didn't seem to work no matter how much I sharpened it, so I just gave up. The last one, well, the focal character was small to begin with and the stock wasn't the greatest of high quality.
    I don't know what happened to the fourth one; it wasn't that sharpened when I made it on my computer. I don't think it was uploaded correctly on photobucket or something; it's been messing up a lot of my things lately. =/ And I didn't even realize that the second to last was oversharpened. Thanks for pointing that.

    Thanks for your comment. <3

    Yes, I did use GIMP. I can't afford anything else at the moment. xD
    Post by: Pure Beats~, Nov 12, 2008 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  15. Pure Beats~
  16. Pure Beats~
  17. Pure Beats~
  18. Pure Beats~
    Profile Post

    Hello~! How are you?

    Hello~! How are you?
    Profile Post by Pure Beats~ for Forever Love, Nov 12, 2008
  19. Pure Beats~
    I used to love the series but now I can't stand it. Like you said, it seemed like a fangirl wrote them and to tell you the truth, it could've been written a whole lot better.
    Post by: Pure Beats~, Nov 12, 2008 in forum: Literature
  20. Pure Beats~