it actually seems brughter xD
in the first one, the stock is WAY to contrasted. I'm not feeling the swirls, either. He's also going against the flow. And, there;s random darks spots, even over light spots. But, I love the text XDDDDD The second one is just..... wtf? lol The third is pretty good. The stock and around it is very attractive, which is good. don't thank me.
It didn't do much to me lol.
You seem like a horrible gf. It seems you take him for granted. But he seems to needy. You guys should break up.
Does anyone have the 99x keyblade code?
jesus=sun? wtf?
It could use a little more color imo.
KEYBLADE KEY ITEM 0032F1E2 00000000 Nobody Symbol KEY ITEM 0032F1E3 00000000 Mushroom Emblem KEY ITEM 0032F1E4 00000000
You should make teh sig more golssy like.
than no1 will no wat happen in kh3fm
Hm..... I tried that, but it does nothing for me. Any suggestions? If not, I can fiddle with it againand see if I can get it to work.
I need some help with that speed mod code..... Like, do I need to have the Universal Character Mod Enable cheat that khkid made for it to work?
were did u go
HigherBeing is a lezbo.
I was wondering if someone could post the drive free code?
....... Well that was unexpected.
True, in this case. But a REAL graphics artist makes his art meaningful. These really have no meaning. Just a bunch of random, pretty colors. Anyways, Mario's seem better imo.
Pāṇini .
No. Stop now. You are too far on the n00b side to be saved.