Never eat soggy waffles. welcome.
It's good that I just got a break for 2 weekz lol.
1 2 3 4 5 Which one is the best? @Split: It's alright, but cut it a little bit so that the b/w doesn't show, or just make the whole thing b/w but with a few things in color, such as Sora's eyes, or Kairi's hair, and some lighting and shading.
with all these over liquified tags everywhere lol :/
lol me .
I like little boys.
Get a tissue.
Try rendering with the magic wand tool.
lol ok .
Dude, your name sounds like jacked.
LOL EMO . ..l.,
You'll be back... THEY ALWAYS COME BACK.
I wouldn't take this **** if I were you. :/
He wants them for download. I knew some sites where you can dl from youtube, but I believe most got shut down.
The quality of the images is horrible, the text is not placed very well, and the pics at the bottom are really random. Maybe you should use a reference, aka a real cover to a kh game, and try again.
Blur and sharpen parts. Also, recolor it so that the colrs match a little better, or just make it b/w.
Dude, don't keep abusing styles.... When you learn a new one, try to add things to it. Try deviantart for some ps tuts. Now, about the peicez... I think you need to work on smudging and lighting for these, because they are very unrealistic/kindaflat. Add grad maps, burn it, lighten it up, fix contrast ect.. play with them.
I can't see how anyone can say this is real....