No, not most of it, but some of it.
I didn't use a c4d SigSig. And thanks Crono
Some of it is dark, so you might have to raise your brightness on your comp for this one. Mostly photoshop defaults.
Teh flame warrrrz.
It's alright. I'd say cut out the left side, since it doesn't match with the right, and the right , to me, seems to flow and suit the tag more. This also needs shading and a few coloring layers to bring everything together.
K everyone, I'm back. Sorry Thirteen, but I still need some rep lol :/
Killing people is fun.
I've never entered any of these in a sowt contest lol.
Needs more smudge/displacing.
THE TEXT, IT MOFOING BURRRNS. Anyways, you need to not lower the opacity like that. It don't look too good :( Also, is that pentooling? If it is, then good job with it. But something here doesn't make sense to me.... The lighting. Cause, his face is all "OMFG THE SUN IS BURNING ME" But the tag is all..."no" o.O Make it a little less bright, or brighter. burn tool ftw? One last thing: Erase a little bit over his right hand.
I'll upload it in awhile
On the first one I blurred it by 2 and set the opacity to 38%, then ran a diffuse glow filter( Iplayed with the settings until it looked alright to me) and put that on 67% opacity, and duped it and put it under the blur layer. After that, I ran a photocopy filter and set that to multiply at 44%. I then sharpened some areas(Like the eye) and darkened areas and added lighting. The other one is more complex, so I saved the psd.
Okay, Here's what I got: Then, I Played around a bit and got this: @Your second one: The compo is not good....
I did it earlier, and it looked alot better IMO. I could try it again and show you if you want.
Hello there, have fun. ^Ez post.
I know, but the whole thing feels a little low quality, and it doesn't evoke any emotions. Maybe you could brighten it and lightly blur it.
No fg effects :(