Ah, you mean Allen, he's kinda handsome...And yes, She's realy,. extremely big... And heavy. But you know, smaller dolls don't feel good either.
Yes, i know, but I have to say that I like Dahlia, because she's so different... And I can't find Eaven, can you send me a link?
So three guys, in a glass house, without food. For a week! And they have to collect money and play songs. It happens everytime, around Christmas. And ofcourse, the money goes to a charity. So reason I brougt this up? For fun ofcourse... Interested? Visit the site below: [link removed] PS: not that you'd understand....
Ah I know, me and my sis rather have MSD than the other sizes, because of the weight... What was his name again?
I'm fine, gonna look up that doll... How are you doing?
I'm so sorry for suddenly being away! I had an internet shutdown... Sorrys!!!!!
Jup, the otheres wil not be awake till 8/9 o clock...
I don't want to wake anyone up...
I know it was in November, my sis joined, and stoppped with it after a week...Ah, I also write, and I post it on fanfiction...But some stories I...
Listening songs and such...I was drawning, but left the paper upstairs...
You should try NaNoWriMo...
Handy, XP. So what are you doing?
Talking to people, hearing my fovorite song for this week, because it makes me thing of someone, XP Oh and watching my cat sleep, XP, and you?
One day I wil be an animator, make Anime and Manga, and prove to the world it's not only meant for children!!! That's my dream, XP
Ah, I wouldn't say not good, its just less than normal...But I'm practicing, so hopefully one day I can draw hand's without any problem...
She's really cute when she's asleep...And she leaves our pet rats alone, XP
Really horrible, XP It looks so easy, but it's so difficult... Sometimes I draw something, and then its almost finished and I'm starting with the...
Ah she's just being kind, Xp, My mom always does the same thing ^^" But then again, you have to do something really serious to get her mad...
Ah, I alwais struggle with hands an feet...
Ah, okay, My cat is a she, and she's called Zorro. I think all cats act like they own the place they live at, Xp