Mehh, I have to agree... But then again, I would like to see some more FF style things...
Do you like to draw? Or do you rather write things?
So, how bout you, how's the weather?
Something like that, as long as it's about Kingdom Hearts... and it has to be inspired by Apple an Cinnamon from Utada Hikaru....
What pronpt, sorry dont understand... Anyway, I posted the rules within the creativity corner, want me to give you the link?
ahm, hey can I ask you for somethin?
Anyways, you still wanted to help with the dojinshi?
So like, if I didn't understand it but think it's awesome, I pass? Maybe I learn something of it..
Nah, it stopped, but it was enough for the bus to not show up...
Glad I missed it...
Nah, it's always like that, we have stupid whatfor days off...
OMG, we had that on the 5th of December, or something like it... Anyway, that's a very long vacation... Mine starts this friday, and ends the 2nd...
Ahh, I am a girl gamer, and yes I enjoy shooters and stuff. I think it's okay for girls to play things like that, I mean, if we like it, why not. And its not bad to play things like COD with guys, its actually funny... And well, yes maybe we play games a bit different... but does it matter? I dont believe in guys or girls things....
Ah, okay, and when does vacation start to you guys?
Ah, how nice, hehe, how long do you have the home for yourself then?
Ah, are they somewhere else?
Ahh, XP, nup, but i had to do something, my bus didn't show up, so I couldn't go to school...
I drawwed my face -_-, Ooooh, and an octopus....
I'm doing fine...I had a blast of inspiration o_O
Hey there!!!! How are you doing?