Hehe, Ahah, than I will stop complaining, ^^ How was your day?
Still enjoying vacation? Hehe, that's good, XP I also want to have vacation...
Well, yes, I do, but I catched a flu, and I can never sleep if I have that... I get sick if I lay down... So it's better to stay awake, and I...
Neh couldn't sleep... Anyway, how are you doing?
Hehe couldn't sleep and was feeling bored, so now I'm online, XP
Hey there, long time no see! How are you doing?
HiHi! How are you?
Hey, your still online?
Hey there! How are you doing?
Ah I mean ASUS, It a name of a computer factry, or something...
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monthly_GFantasy#Monthly_GFantasy Here's the Wiki-link, anyway I'm going to sleep now, see you later!
You know, Squeenix also has a magazine... forgot it's name...
Awesome, I would like to read Zero Sum once....
Ah, okay, Xp If they do sell manga, it's mostly Shonen Jump....
Lia- Toki wo Kizame Uta...It's from CLANNED...
I use a special internet stor for my Anime/Manga stuff. Becuase the fan base is big enough, there are stores like that... Oh, and the Abunai,...
Ah, okay, i alway kind thought it was more common in the USA, so what do you do to watch you Anime/read your Manga?
Well, I think Europe is did also grew up with Mickey Mouse, it's just that Manga ad Anime are extremely unpopular here...I think I've seen 2 KH...
I think you can watch pieces of it at the same site, I am going to ask my sister how it works....
Xp, USA is large, no wonder there are so many people from the USA. I don't mind tough, at least I can understand it...