Ah, happened a long time ago, we adopted her, so she woul get better, and then ofcourse she stayed...
I always drawned eyes...
Well yes, she snorring....She's always do, because she's been hit by a car -_-"
I know -_- I used to do that in every book I found... Thats why I go to an art school now...
Chatting with people...thinking my cat is noisy...
Ah, I mostly get iritated becuase I draw Manga, and the teachers are telling me that it's not art...
Ah, i'm doing alright now, whats up with your computer?
Ah, yes you told me about that, which one is it going to be?
Ah, it's never that seious, I think it's because of the weather change...
Mm, yeah, XP I still see school as torturing us, XP
No I slept for three ours and then I got sick an I couldn't breath, because of the flu, so now I'm awake talking to people on KH-Vids...
Hello there ealy bird, XP It 5 am here, XP
Ah, when your older you see everything different... Wait, maybe not...
A okay, well, that's nice, Xp
Ah, we always give each other presents, but here in tne Nederland, we have a same sort thing as christmas. It begins at the end of November, and...
I'm okay, XP how was/is your day?
Me neither, we are not going to give each other presents...And the Christmas tree is already decorated... I think my uncle will come over, but...
My day started five hours ago, XP ( siriously, its 5 in the morning..) So it's been pretty relaxed XP
Bon Jovi, Dead or Alive
Oh, which one? How are you going to celebrate Christmas btw?