Ah, okay, mm, it's snowing here, again...
Nah, classy is not really my thing....
Yeah, common sense is defferent for everybody. I think it's bassically listening to what they teach you. Because if your parents say its okay to knock someone out, than that is common sense to you.. Ofcourse, most of us know better...
Okay so these are the MMORPG's that are worth trying... Fantasy RPG: Perfect World for the amazing graffics Flyff for the fun, although it's not that good anymore... And also for litlle kids... Kitsu Saga, but this is more for girls... Shooters (my brother tried them..) Wolf gang, its a little fantasy... Combat arms, he really enjoyed this... Right now he's playing MAT, I think it was...Mission Against Terror, he also loves this... Ah, and, do you download games for your DS, because if you do you can try Tales of Innocense, which is really worth trying, and there is an english patch version so, no worries...
Hey there! Your new around here?
Hey thar! How are you doing? Is it snowing there?
Awesome! Anyway, uhmmmmXP< I'm bored....
Aha, all the time...Anyway, I'm fine, but I'm staying at home today....^^"
This topic has been moved to the Crativity Corner...
Everything, but it has to be inspired by Apple and Cinnamon from Utada Hikaru. And it has to be KH, the rest is up to you...
Obvious? You know, I never thinked about it before, but maybe your right...
I do not agree, I think that recovery has a nice meaning. And love Eminem for not singin about a girl he gets all night without knowing her name or something. I don't like hip/hop. But Eminem is always different, he always has a meaning behind thinds, And yes. he's more serious, but we all have to grow up sometime...
I wan't to make a Dojinshi, and I wanted to know if anyone is interested. I don't mean buying, I mean help me making it. Because I made a whole plan, and if there's enough interest in it, I can tell you all the rules and things. We have three different things you can make: A manga (which has to fit within 20 pages), A story, without pictures(5 pages or less) or one drawning, ofcourse in just one page. Our theme will be Kingdom Hearts... GUYS, THIS IS SERIOUS!!!!!! PS: If your not a good drawner or a good writer, but you wan't to join, just do it! It is not going to be a pro-dojinshi, it's just a tryout... And it's about the fun you put into it. I will rerveal the sub-theme when I have enough people who wan't to join!!! (IT'S NOT A CONTEST) Things we know now is that the theme is KH and the sub theme will be Utada Hikaru's Apple and Cinnamon. What you make has to be inspired by this song. traditional art is also okay. I don't wan't to OC's in it, we can do that another time... If you have a qeustion, PM me or ask me. You can also send me something on Deviant Art. My name is eentje, same as here...
Okay thank you,I'll try that...
Ah, see you later, and I finished the status, gonna send it to you today!
Anyway, hey there, how are you doing?
But Xp, it was a typo...
Ah, uhm, you can try The Sims, but you really have to like it, otherwise it's crap... And you could buy The World Ends With You, very enjoyable... Ah, and Phantasy Star. You can try Zero, for the DS, its okay, but doesn't take to much time.. And try Pokémon, because it's almost always enjoyable... And you could try some online games.....If you want a list of a few I can tell you some...
Hi there! How are you doing?
Hi there! How are you?