You can faint if you don't get enough rest, or if you don't eat enough.
oh, and i hope you don't fall out.
I'm just mad at Protecter
i'm bored.
I can pronounce Greek easiley, just have Trouble on Xi, i want to pronounce it Zi.
Hope's Theme - Masashi Hamauzu
no. you don;t lets go back to fighting oceanus.
Thank you for adding me. do you get alot of friend requests?
Since my last year i've been obsessed with Greek.
mmmmmhmmm yup.
Not every pic. it doesn't have a pciture of Bob the slime.
yeah, found it on photobucket.
Because i study Greek. check otu my signature.
=) [IMG]
you're really nice and sweet.
Your location, it's written in greek isn't it?
awww, thank you. *hugs*
I'm not sick or anything.
it's ok, i get the feeling alot.
i'm watching PPP.