for one, do you even know who? it's here, hopefully wednesday
oh.. duh on my part Engagement party!
DOOM! XD dot dot dot
all built on iterests, gender, and the coolest letter of all time... Some guy: 42? NO!
:DHello everyone!:D :DWhat's up?:D :D18566:D
why didn't anybody respond to this... HOW DID YOU KNOW?
Dobadeeboopbabadabadababadababoo... I'm a scatman! skimmy whimmy boom bom badda boom, bom badda boom skimmy whimmy boom bom badda boom, bom badda boom I'm a scatman! I wonder if i can have the party here... either way you're all invited.
I,ve become so numb... yay for LP! 18537
oh gawd, if that's the nice one... *is scared* 18535
CtR's closet is scary... *shudders* 18531
'bout a week... i said *points to family member list* so that means look!
*big damn sigh* FINALLY! *cookie to LKX*
heh... guess! AND FOR THE LAST TIME I'M A GUY!
this is fun!^^ watching you gus guess!^^ but I'm getting forum engaged TO A GIRL!
WHAT THE HELL?!? WHAT THE DAMN HELL?!? I'm getting engaged to a Girl
*sigh* seriously.... BIG HINT: Cats... >> <<
*points to family member list* *sigh* if you people still don't know i'll say it next post
okaaay... but Reap... do you really not know?
do you people really not know? @CtR, ha ha, i know you know CtR...
I have news too! I am getting engaged! (If you have to ask who... wtf man?)