Yes, that I have. Though it's not much considering I could be half done if I wasn't so distracted. :/
I'm not even gonna reply to that. Instead:
No freaking comment.
What was it called?
So besides that, what's new?
Be glad I only went with /a/ not /y/ or /u/ or /h/ or sometimes /b/
You just got 4Chan'd That was the first thread I ever read, and the first pictures I ever saved.
That's why they edited the lion into the car. Then outside, running so fast it can keep up with the car, runnning backwards.
The car with the stupid girl, duh. Where nobody is sure whether the lion or the car is safer.
****, we better all get in the car.
Old man: Yes. Deii: Screw you Neuro and your dislike of boxes, IMMA PUT YOU IN A BOX! D:<
*facepalm* 1 frame to colour, 15 to draw, 7 to edit. Just as hau'd. But this is taking a while...
Old man: And that's exactly the point. Xennex: :3
Still, I like them. :3
Red box buddy: The butteries coming out of what was a box is prettyful though. It totally fits as well. Old man: I dunno, am I?
...Oh my IPU. ilu ;~;
Yes. His insults get less harsh eventually...but the torture is killer.
I can hear it now. 'Wood lice.'
Neuro won't be happy to hear that. Neuro is Neuro. The one dancing in it.