there was one in KHC but old one not the new one and the old one has seems to became disable so yeah ^^"
yup that is possible and here Normal Keyblade L2 D035BA5C 0000FEFF 2037B300 BF800000 Big Keyblade L1 D035BA5C 0000FBFF 2037B300 C0000000
nice banner ^^
yup tested it on EMU and it worked without crashing ^^ oh well why dont use the target mods if you know how to make them that is........??
^^" he was just giving an example Sora ^^"
well yeah you should see Mickey with his pearl attack,is one pearl attack takes one or half bar of the enemy XD
lol well yeah the code works but i dont get it that what does it has to do?? sorry didnt know ^^"
itll be animations modding aka DMA or try giving mulan Soras status maybe that will make her use Flame tongue as auron can do is 6-hit combos when he has soras status
well yeah you are half correct his moveset wasn't stolen BUT his animations were replaced but his standing animations and no play as Ven Un-DMA is different cause in the code Terra's texture was given to Roxas clothes and here its completely different ^^
so like let me guess you need Zexion when he stands he stands like he stands in the Journal??
sorry i couldnt understand your request ^^" oh and also here are some new codes i made so yeah : Twilight Town Grandstander (Ball Minigame): Code: [B]Have 9999 Points:[/B] 11D5DA74 0000270F [B]Always have 5 tries(Anyway the game will get over when the ball hits the ground five times, cause the ball vanishes when it hits the ground five time):[/B] 01B8AA3C 00000005 01B8AA40 00000005 01D5D8FC 00000005 [B]Ball Replacement Mod:[/B] 11c7a9fc 0000XXXX --->UCM
[B]Have 9999 Points:[/B] 11D5DA74 0000270F [B]Always have 5 tries(Anyway the game will get over when the ball hits the ground five times, cause the ball vanishes when it hits the ground five time):[/B] 01B8AA3C 00000005 01B8AA40 00000005 01D5D8FC 00000005 [B]Ball Replacement Mod:[/B] 11c7a9fc 0000XXXX --->UCM
nm you tell ^^
yeah sure i can make one ^^ It would be DMA since you will give Roxas someone elses Animations
^^" Oblivions digit is 002B
np and nope you can change the shield ^^
Last line is the sheild replacement mod meaing replace the last four digits with other shield digits and also the third last line 1033fec0 000001ee is the Sora weapon Mod
lol yup Anti can do RC and thats if you replace another form with Anti then he can do RC so yeah
but i we go into Anti then anti cant do RC and also i don tthink Anti can revert back then too unless you assign a shortcut key for Revert
^^" lol NOW thats a bummer :(
well i can but im not in a mood to make them now since im sleepy ^^"