This is how much.... Sugars: 1,240 grams. X_X
LOLed. Horses are so funny when you put it like that... actually a lot of female horses go through that Deathsight's avatar: Sora: (Kairi is so ^%$# loud, I'm gonna chuck her off in the ocean once we're near it! >:J) Kairi: WOOHOOO!
Sephiroth PWNS all. :) (Including Cloud) Sephiroth: I AM THE MASTAH! Cloud: Pwned.
Take deep breaths.... AND TAKE YOUR EYES OFF THE SUGAR COOKIES!!!!! ;P
I don't know. I guess other people hate you because you 'spam'. But I don't. :)
It kind of scares me. o_O
I either go back to sleep or just think for a while what I want to do. Then I get up and play with my birds before I have to go to my Grandma's house.
Which one? The Goofy and Sora or the Organization one?
Do you know who sent it?
Post your favorite picture! My favorite:
It only took one of these threads and it's like a new trend... Maybe it was the catchy title? *ponders*....
I'm glad I didn't do it, lol.
Wow... how long was he on here before he got banned? EDIT: not very long by his join date. Well, it was nice seeing you again, Roxas. :)
I'm bilingual. I stopped learning Japanese after a while but I plan on doing French or Dutch as some other languages (my mom and grandmother travel to Europe a lot and bring me with them).
I was curious. I think about the books I'm writing... and horses and dragons and unicorns and animals and butterflies and my characters and BLEACH (:D) and my birdz and how warm it is and where the heck my dad's iPhone is and everything else... SO WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT? >_>
The most random thing that I've ever done... was accidently let my bird out of her cage. I got her back, but it took me about an hour just to get her... *SNEAKY LITTLE SNOWFLAKE!* I still love her though.
I like you fine. I see nothing wrong with you, anyways. :)
How come she put you on ignore?
That's sweet. :) I like honest men.
Above: What kind of comment is that? To Riku's#1fangirl: Don't worry. Even through the pain and sorrows there will always be happiness and joy. :)