"ok then kairi just so sora and roxas dont notice"naminé fiddles with the controls and a computer voice says "cloaking device activated" "so kairi would you like to drive?" "we should check it out"sora said running into the bushes
"ok lets go!"naminé said grabbing kairi and running into the bushes and cleared away some brambles and weeds and things "here we go hop in" naminé said opening the door walking in and starting up the engine "hey roxas does that noise seem fammiliar to you?you know like a gummi ship powering up?"
"is it?oh ok hey when is our first class?"
"do you think we should go back and check it out without sora and roxas?"naminé asked "they dont know where my gummi ship is they dont even know i have one so if we are going lets go!"naminé said impatiantly
larxene appeared in just a black room "wait this isnt right where am i?" larxene said as she tried to make another portal but it didnt work "ok very funny let me out of here now!"larxene shouted
"yeah thanks hey can you turn super saiyan?"
"this is just confusing we have two options ditch them or keep them but its so hard to decide what to do. wait what if ariel wasnt actually aril and had some weird power to make people love her and the real ariel is trapped under the sea somewhere"naminé suggested hopefully she really didnt want to dump sora
"my names ashley but now i think i have heard of the saiyans somewhere but the guy who destroyed planet vegeta was freiza"ashley said taking pity for rexejon
"wow your pretty confusing you are a saiyan but saiyans ont exist my head hurts so whats your name?"ashley asked
"awwww i missed all the fun" larxene said and conjured up a portal and started to walk through it "i swear if the rest fo the organization find out where i've been i wont have any place to go"larxene said shaking her head
sora quickly grabbed roxas and returned to where they were a minute ago "YES IT IS TRUE THE PAUPOU FRUIT LEGEND IS TRUE YOU IDIOT"sora said trying to make it sound like they were having an argument "that is really unconvincing guys next time you want to eavestrop hire a spy or something"naminé shouted "thats a good idea hang on sora" roxas gets out a phone book and a cell phone and dials a number for a spy "hello i'd like to hire a spy please" sora said and a second later a voice said "ok who am i reqired to spy on?" the stranger asked "kairi and naminé just around the corner just listen to what they are saying ok?"roxas said "ok i shall fulfill my duty"the stranger said running into the bushes silently "ok i'm guessing they werent spying on us after all but as i said they might actually ike ariel and made it look like there was a guy called prince eric"naminé said looking depressed it then started to rain
can i have a flying naminé and is my part of the world the only one or has everyone else had troubles with global warming?
"wait i remember when ursula was in kahoots with malifecent i heard saying morgana prefered the cold north of atlantica when we wer watching her for your memories sora but ursulas old ells might have survived again so dont go in there"larxene said
"anyway kairi it cant be anybody who can use this information to bribe us i mean sora and roxas really wouldnt spy on us would they?anyway dont you even feel even remotely worried that you love roxas but he doesn't love you back i mean going under the sea was a bad idea its left me al confused"naminé said a twig snapped under soras foot " shhhhhhhhhhhhh"sora said really quietly to roxas
larxene swam in " hey i know this place you fought ursula here when you were in castel oblivion sora i remember it perfectly"larxene said looking around
"i see your point but i'm still worried about weather he loves me or not arent you?"naminé asked "i dunno but i have an idea to find out either your coming or your not but i'm going to spy on them"sora said tiptoeing into the bushes and watching "hold it kairi i feel like we are being watched"naminé said causiously
"well thats ot exactly what i meant i mean yes but if there is no differece after a week then we be serious about things"naminé said
*larxene swam with the others*
ooc:no sweat when i left for half an hour or longer i had t get dinner bic:"right kairi i think i have an idea why sora and roxas didnt even try to resist ariel just think we start with sora who is dating me a obody while sora is a somebody so maybe he just craved a real person and because him and roxas are the same roxas felt a simmaller earge so i was thinking maybe we should just be freinds with them a week later we go back under the sea and see if there is any difference ok?"naminé asked
"well kairi come on we really need to talk"naminé said