I love you too Da Freak.
Dizzy. XD filler
Choice is obviously more logical than Destiny. To start off, we are not little Neji's. Our destinies aren't sealed off the first moment we do something. People make hundreds of choices every day that aren't really controlled by destiny in any way. As Zandyne said, our only true destiny is to die in who-knows-how-many years. Everything else in between are caused by choices.
I love you for that. Christ, my sisters's listening to the soundtrack now. I'd really appreciate some of that acid you were talking about.
I is no n00b.
OMG, Naruto's eyes in that picture are hilarious. XD
=D Thank ye Arc.
I wish I was a llama. :(
*hurges Arc-San*
Ah lurrrve his smile. :3
Jesus. XD fillerz
That is no excuse! D<
Gaara is more fail. He fails more than Dosu. AND DOSU FAWKING FAILS.
That episode made me cry yesterday. DX
Damn Database Errors. I played Rock Lee's theme song when it came up. And then it ran away. IT FEARS THE WIN.
Oh good god. XDDDDD No wonder why people think AkuRoku is the shemx
Oh my. XD Bwaahahah. XD Replace Sakura's face with mine.
I demand my self-esteem to be lowered dramatically NOW! >:O