Yea, same here. I haven't actually gotten my hair straight, but from what I can tell, it looks horrable when it's really flat. Washing hair... mine gets really poofy. Therefore I always have to wash it before I go to bed, rather than when I wake up, not sure why, but somehow that makes it stay flatter than if it dried while I was up and awake. Give me a minute and I can probably figure this out.
Hello. :3 One of my friends got her hair cut short, she was dubbed the hedgehog, because of it. My sister thought she was a boy wearing pink shorts. It did eventually go down though. Pro tip: Don't fight hair. ಠ_ಠ Everyone tells me I would look good with straight hair, but it's not worth it. I learned this from trying once, and from what all my sisters tell me. Just find a good place, get a cut that works with you hair, and you'll be much happier. Get a cut that you can just brush and go, or you only need a little of curl product or something. Oh, we have a few people he who know some Japanese? Is anyone actually fluent, or close? It would help me greatly if I had someone to practice with. Mine can read it, it has a language pack or something, but as to getting it to type, that wouldn't really work out. Personally I wouldn't eat something I just wore, also, I wouldn't wear something that I could eat. I think I saw that a while ago though, it was cool. Wouldn't it like... melt on you though?
Looks like it's the same for everyone. Even I have a crap load of stuff to get done. ....Except most of it is a overload of just drawing things I have to finish. All my own fault. Well... I could blame my dream, the one the night before last mostly. Surprisingly it had Sai in it. My dreams never usually have people I know in them. Either way, it gave me to many ideas to draw. e_e Besides that I procrastionate and play online games. Hmm... in the end it really is completely my own fault. ...What was I talking about again? Hey, what ever happened to Kiryu? He came back for a bit but then he stoped coming.
Personally, I would say it would be better to quit, if you don't have enough time, it's best not to push yourself to have a job AND have school. I know this because of my sisters, and hey, they haven't been wrong before. :/
Hey guys, I'm new~ Hair troubles? That's why I cut my own :/ So much better than trying to explain.
*facedesk* Because that's the meme. 4 panel comics aren't 4Chan, but that meme is. You also missed the 4 others I posted.
What, don't like 4 panel comics?
Obviously it's the only MTNN one, the only one with Neuro. 4Panel comics 4thewin
Wrong video. But obviously, of course it's that song. ಠ_ಠ
Crappy ripoff only slightly changed lyrics SONG TIEM~! And it's so easy cause I'm Neuro. This is the life, you see, the Devil tips his hat to me. I do it because I'm Neuro, and I do it all for free~ Your mysteries are all the pay I ever need. It would be fun to be Neuro
Yea -__- Not the was I had in mind to spend my time after I finished the animation. I still need to finish a Kirban and start on Aiko for the competition.
That's not it, it's the quality. I have to enlarge all 42 frames to make the 'watch in high quality' option available. Otherwise Capirinha Neuro looks like Crapirinha.
I'm Sai, that's who. Come on old man, it was only said about 50 times. :/ Youtube sucks, I'm bored, let's party.
Grades can't really determine if you're 'smart' A genius could be lazy, a idiot could cheat. Then you have to remember school only teaches and marks book smarts, but you need to consider street smarts as well if you're considering how 'smart' a person is. Since I've already started, I mine as well also mention that different schools and grades teach differently. It's not fair to try and compare with such a wide audience as we have here. As for the whole point of this: I haven't gotten my grades yet, so I can't post them. They are probably bad though, I procrastinate a lot and draw instead of doing homework... e_e Plain and simple is how I like mine. A habit I gained from my sister. Any shortcuts and such that would normally be on the desktop is in the 'Stuffz' folder. Along with any files I'm using frequently. It keeps the desktop nice and clean.
Avi: 10/10 Sig: 7/10 Some of the pictures are a bit fuzzy, but I like the rainbow colours~
Ahahahah, yes, I'm sure the forensics team and police would just love that. If no one else, maybe Dexter would.
Lar-Lar~ Welcome back to the Red Room, I am happy to say that I am the host, and will gladly put you in a box.
Yes. It is. And Youtube killed the quality. I need to reupload with a edit, hopefully it will work.