hey yeah sry my net was out and thats y i couldnt come online ^^"
Hey Prof ^^
lol thnx for the tip Prof and no nobody beat you :P XD oh also thnx for the code ^^
hmm yea sure if you need help ill try to do my best ^^
a character from Soul Calibur
oh lol ^^"
there will be alink given in the link go ther it will be somehityng like miralty and somehitn it has the tutorial on how to operate MCM
here: http://www.codemasters-project.net/portal-english/apportal/download.php?view.53
lol Awesome :D
Yo Sup :) btw you mind comin online on MSN ^^
hmm well sry dnt knw any other way except that ^^"
well no if you wqant mickey to do a finisher give him one of Soras weapon oh and also DW Mickey hasnt been ported to PAL yet so yea ^^"
hmm i would but its not complete yet and i doubt it will work on PS2 since all i did was replaced Soras model and mset with Axels so yea he still doesnt move anyway so yea...........
lol Awesom how do they make these codes XD
well on the net ..... its name HasteDS