Umm.... Thats a good question... How does a mad man define alright? XD Uhh... Any broken bones? Head trama? Profuse bleeding? Emotionally...
Oh my, you alright?
Bah, sorry. I must go to bed. I haz school T.T Later bro, happy early B-day :D
" Hey bro! How's it going?" He is having me chat for him XD Whats up? Anything new since we last spoke? Any B-day plans? :D
Luxord: Who is Arazel? Or who was? Was it that girl who was from Hollow Bastian and left? Ya know, she could make stuff out of energy? Vexen was chasing her for a DNA sample because she could make a keyblade?
Umm..... Ummm.... Yuri perhaps? XD LOL Jake says "D:"
Ahhh D: That sucks. It seems the all mighty rice cannot fix all T.T My dreams have been shattered.
Luxord: I actually think that was it. *takes off electrodes* You anything to contribute Zene? *sticks electrodes on Zene* -Outside of RP, that's my way of asking if I missed anything XD
Luxord: I missing anything? The fight, the dome, the heartless... *thinks of band destroying castle* Ah yes, Pedro paid a visit.
lol hey, how are you? :D You able to get on skype?
Luxord: *thinks of battle with heartless* *G.O.A.T. by Eminem plays in the background* That was our battle after Demyx placed the dome. *Thinks of Demyx placing dome* *looks at Demyx* You were placing the dome and everybody was yelling at you to stop dancing and singing while doing it. I offered you a new sitar as a reward. *Thinks of sitar*
Luxord: *slaps Zene* I DID warn you. *Zene nearly getting killed flashes by* *Me sending Heal cards* That's the jist of what happened with your heartless Axel. *thinks of fight with Xemnas were I turned him int a 16 sided die* Thinks of how Marluxia did death counter* That was our fight with Xemnas when we all wanted to be the boss.
Luxord: *1000 things flicker randomly on screen, blurring out whatever was being shown* Did I not warn you? Well, Lets go over the big stuff. *thinks of Axel hearltess battle, and the trip to the dark relm*
You on man? :D
Luxord: That was like, weeks, possibly a month or two... Can we fast forward?
Luxord: *Spazzes a little* Ghaasaapts!!! *Looks at screen* Dang, I haven't felt like that since the last time I sent Larxene flowers... Oh, hey, its working. How long will this take? Is it like when your parents drag out the dreaded photo machine and go through everything you ever wanted to forget?
Luxord: Okay, where do I put them? Just anywhere? *Licks a suction cup part of an electrode* *sticks to forehead* And No problem.
Luxord: Zene, your not thinking of what I think your thinking, are you? You don't want to see me.... Getting bread.... again, do you? You didn't like it the first time, did you? This thing better have a selective memory option. And here Axel. *Pulls out heal card*
Luxord: Well, should we fill in the gaps or let things happen again? I mean, I don't think we will be destroying the castle again or making another Dome. However we may still try to break apart and make our own sub group of organization.... *points to Demyx* You, your mind was wiped. How is Xemnas?
Luxord: Or actually, alot hasn't happened.