I say it's a good idea Having all requests in one thread/section in the arts and graphics section of course as for post count, I agree, it's the fastest way to take up posts, I think post count shouldn't be counted in there.
Great now typos are killing me
One more question, what are we aiming for? I know it's about Riku but as what? I'm just making sure
Damn, i fell for that...damn you internet!!!
Xp, I know you can make me laugh Ummmm....I'm hungry, should I eat the last M&M?
I'm up for testing But I have to go to church in an hour so what codes do I have to test? oh BTW Ultimate-Sora, I'll also test for "The world that never was"
I'm ready...I'll be happy to test, try and do anything
When I'm bored, can you make me laugh?
Can you arrange one for me as well, I only have armax and I would happy to help
And when I saw the fire lord's face, I went like, "He doesn't look evil"
26785 so bored so ciao!!!
We're lacking active people now (damn school), that's why.
Come to think of it, I think I'll go check gamestop for their prices
Wow...did anyone watch the premiere? I thought it was a very awesome opening to book 3, how bout you guys?
Actually Birth By Sleep is for PSP 365/2 Days is also known as Com II
Thanks....I pretty sure some are used....but thanks, this earning might take a while... Someone may close this now
lawl it's....lawl
Is this for the core or value?
So low.....