It's grace cannot be compared to things like Bigfoot/Yeti or Nessie/Ogopogo/Elasmosaurus. IPU is ranked with your god.
Hardly. See my DA Journal if you want random. I'm not kidding, I beleive in the invisible pink unicorn.
BROOM! SMACK! OBJECTION! POINT! That man is clearly not guilty! The Invisible Pink unicorn told me so. I fully believe in it's words of wisdom, I also fully believe it is pink, and that it is invisible.
No, like I said, he had no costume. Playing the part doesn't mean you need to look it.
Because he was playing that role.
Because he was one.
Oh really now? please explain.
It's a style, not a band. Pretty much. Then why didn't you get what I meant when I said he was a pack mule.
Do you like Screamo songs? It's a joke of 4kids, that's why. I would watch Casey and Friends, if it was an actual series, and I would probably legitimately like it. The teaser was highly amusing. Pack mule as in a mule that you pack stuff on so you don't have to. You have heard of a mule before, right? When a bag gets full and heavy, we give it to him so we can keep going without having a heavy full bag and trying to fill a second. Or at least carry candy for one of us anyway, I doubt he would for the rest of us.
Again, hai, so desu. It's an addicting song. 2kids is terrible dubbing so epic, it just maybe a win. honestly don't know wtf I'm talkign about, do you? Nowhere is there an official book, nowhere is it written down in stone, but yet everyone knows and abides by unwritten rules. Halloween has several, bar fights do, buffets, almost everything has them.
Hai, so desu. Those where lyrics. Starts off cute then goes scremo, the alternates. I love the song. I like 2kids though. Yes, pack mule. Unwritten rules that are to be followed till the end of time.
Never said that, I just said I would like to be a mudkip. If I was a pokemon, I would be going Rena, re rena rena rena, na na rena. The song is like a screamer. Yay, I was there for that. Yo ho ho, he took a bite of gome gome You could have too. The other kid with us was just the pack mule, but he got some candy sometimes. over 18 though, you have to dress up, it's the rules.
So Liek, I heard u liek me? I wanna be a mudkip. Everyone does, or is forced to love them. chu chu lovely muni muni mura mura purin purin boron nururu rero rero chu chu lovely muni muni mura mura purin purin boron nururu rero rero chu chu lovely muni muni mura mura SCREAM! Imma go get free candies nao.
Guys, we have the new thread, this one should be closed. No more talking here D:< For those who are lost: It's there.
The lyrics didn't match up. chu chu lovely muni muni mura mura purin purin boron nururu rero rero So cute sounding...then again, so is pi piru piru pi piru pi pi I really need to stop playing songs 50 times over
Time zones can really make things confusing e_e Nice to hear a lot of you are still going out, or at least doing something. I think the whole point of Halloween is to just dress up and have fun, regardless of age, the free candy is an extra bonus ^_^
Long story. I suppose I'm getting too attached to this place, considering what I said last time. If you want to know, PM me and I'll try to explain. Actually, it's a collection of four songs. Yes, that's the point. I hang around places that post screamers to much. That's the first I ever made >_>
It's not Halloween yet, but tell me what you plans are? I'm still going out, I don't think age should really matter. :/ Also, my Hanyuu avi says happy Halloween as well.
Well, 4 days till my self ban breaks, and I already jumped it earlier, I mine as well just come back now. I doubt much has changed. I missed some things didn't I? Let me catch up by torturing you with Placebo. ~~~ Like the naked leads the blind. I know I'm selfish, I'm unkind. Sucker love I always find, Someone to bruise and leave behind. All alone in space and time. Theres nothing here but what heres heres mine. ~~~ Baby did you forget to take your meds? Baby did you forget to take your meds? Baby did you forget to take your meds? I was alone, Falling free, Trying my best not to forget ~~~ The seas evaporated Though it comes as no surprise These clouds were seeing Their explosions in the sky It seems its written But we cant read between the lines ~~~ Coming up beyond belief On this coronary thief More than just a light motif More chaotic, no relief Ill describe the way I feel Weeping wounds that never heal Can the savior be for real? Or are you just my seventh seal? No hesitation, no delay You come on just like special k ~~~ I don't have much else to say that wont sound like a whiny 'emo' Here, have a Hanyuu: Hau Hau (early) Happy Halloween (like my self made screamer? Don't steal it.)
Grammar Hammer: for And no, I never said that. You missed a few key points. You're a crossdressing furry. And with that, I take my leave. This user has been banned for this post