If I could walk, I would be jumping right now. Good I guess, it's nice that people like it, but it kinda pisses me off, because some things I work on for ages and they get like...no veiws at all.
Tab went to the ER, my sister fixed her, so she seems to be working fine now... Yay, I can and did finish colouring more sketches. Edit: FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF wow, less than 5 minutes and it got 15 views. seriously WTF? It's hardly my best ever colouring job Fanart views and that annoy me muchly
Thank you everyone! I was unsure if I should keep it, but people seem to like it, and the fading letters seem popular. I'm sure now that I'll keep it around for a while.
So? Old to an ant is a few days in a life that last barely any time at all in out consideration. It's like my sister, I've used it so much the surface got polished from the nib of the pen. I maybe able to get a new chord though, if I can't get it fixed... And to Xennex: Wow.... your sig. It's so awesome, I have no words for it.
Did I ever say you had to be? My black, size small, Wacom Bamboo Fun Drawing Tablet, with the glowing blue ring, and textured pad, to most feel like pen on paper. I broke her chord because of the way the computer is placed, it bent it to much and now the chord frayed near the USB port. The blue ring went out, meaning the connection was lost. I taped it and retaped it a few times in the past and it worked, but it's not registering this time.
Konban wa, Old man-kun. I am now incredibly sad, I believe I broke Tabitha. She was only 3/4 a year old too...
Well, it is funny, and some things are full of much win...but some things just...aren't. This guy? http://images.google.ca/images?hl=e...num=0&q=solid snake&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wi Thanks~ Yay boxes : D If you ever want, I could try to draw something you can use in a sig. (hah, as If I don't have enough stuff to draw already) I need to practice doing requests, so I can maybe move up to commissions on DA >_<
XD yea. Oh gawd...the horror, I dunno, it's alright but at the same time it's...epic fail. O_o Snake? He's in Metal Gear Solid, or SSBBrawl. He likes being in cardboard boxes. i no, rite?! lol I made it today after I coloured a sketch I had, same with my avi.
Yea, we go though them pretty quickly. Who's in your avi? I see Len, but I dunno, is that Kaito? ....at first I though is was Snake O_o from MGS
Avi: Cute ^_^ 10/10 Sig1: Seems a bit plain, the pattern helps, but not to much is going on 6/10 Sig2: Kinda opposite of the other, seems like a bit to much is going on in it. I like the text though. 8/10 Awesome that both sigs are Okami though, it's one of my favorite games.
Sayonara old man.
Besides, I already decided on the Sai one I have now, the box was only an option.
Pssh, they wouldn't know. It would just look like a red box. There wouldn't be any limbs, Sai wouldn't leave the body like that. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nTH6N7h1U_c 0:18 You don't really need to watch the rest, it's a crappy amv.
A glass box, filled with the remains of a person. I'll find an amv or something with it. Thanks.
Bloody, and people filled. The sketch is my new avi. I changed it just now.
Not going to, besides, it's unlikely I could find a box like Sai's boxes. I would have to draw it. Anyway, I just finished colouring a sketch from my notebook.
If I wanted to go with themes, I could just put a box.
I dunno, I kinda want BRS or Rena, but currently I feel more like having something Sai related. I'll probably just pick something from my sketches to colour. Or I could just go ask 4Chan
Thanks again. Now just to find an Avi that fits.
Not long, Sai was a speed paint, took 3 minutes, since I had a sketch on paper I worked from. A few minutes to find the fading quote, and around 10 minutes to make it fit, another five to get the fading right. Overall, maybe a half an hour, maybe 45 minutes? I was doing other things as well.