lol yea sure ^^ : 11CE0B68 0000005A ---- Play as Roxas 11CE0B78 00000054 ---- Sora in Finals Slot 01C95536 00000005 ---- Sora has Finals Moveset 01C9553F 0000000A ---- Sora has DW Roxas Sub Status (Enabling it to DW) 11CD4394 00000845 ----replaces Oathkeeper with Xaldins Lances
lol or you can jus give him finals movset and and DW Roxas Sub-Status mod ^^
I would like to play as Riku :D
Hey everyone the long awaited code has been finally made :D : Play as Regular DW Sora: Code: 11CE0B68 0000005A 11CE0B78 00000054 01C95536 00000005 01C9553F 0000000A 11CD4394 00000845 Few things about this code: 1.You play as Roxas and he can do everything except RC so if you want you can activate the Roxas can do RC with it oh and also don t use magic since that will T-stance Roxas so yea 2.You have to Drive into Final Form to Turn into DW Sora 3.Before the Transformations Ends A.K.A when Roxas is about to become Sora "JUMP" that way Sora wont T-Stance 4.Before chnaging areas turn back to Roxas otherwise Sora will be T-Stanced in the next Area AND THE MOST IMPORTANT THING YOU HAVE TO REMEMBER IS THIS: 5.IF YOU WANT SORA TO DW THEN CHANGE AREAS WHERE THE MUSIC STOPS AND THEN A NEW MUSIC PLAYS LIKE GOING FROM "POSTERN" TO "THE CAVERN OF REMEMBRANCE"
11CE0B68 0000005A 11CE0B78 00000054 01C95536 00000005 01C9553F 0000000A 11CD4394 00000845
cool the songs attractive ^^
lol nice code Sora ^^
yup when he said that to Sora he was talking about Roxas since he used to look at him the same way when he was angry
hm which vid you talkin about.......??
Truths code for gliding and which is that.....??
lol well you should hurry then cause who knows maybe ill do it before you XD :P
ask that in the PAL section ^^ lol yea thats supposed to happen since the weapons have Finals weapons move set so it will dissapear in final attacks but the magnet Splash and the Explosion can still hit the enemies so yea but i tried it,it doesnt T-stance and also where did you get the Sora Weilds a Second Keyblade Mod from 0_O ?? and yea i tired it with Sub Status mod not Neo Status and well the result came that when you give him Finals Sub Status and Neo-Moveset it T-stances but when you give him DW Roxas Sub-Status and Neo Moveset this is the result : you can hardly see it but hes wielding an other Keyblade but this version is well you can say a temporarily version since he can only attack and use items nothing else,No glide,no high Jump,No Aerial Dodge no nothing so yea .......
Um yea Sora i think you are being too rude you knw....... and if you didnt notice hes new and not everybody knows what NTSC/J stands for.
The Subtitles are in the vid jus look where the subs are closely but go and watch it in Youtube
Nice ^^ cant wait for the game to get released now XD
^^ yea sure here it is:
lol yea probably oh and if you want to watch the scene tell me ill post it here ^^
lol i didnt actually made the code i jus found a way to hack it ^^" Since the real hacker for these codes are someone else ^^" EDIT: hmmm well guys i have researched and this is the code i got when i combined Sora with finals moveset and my guess is that it jus need a second Weapon Mod to work but thats my theory heres the code: 21cd51b0 46544c55 21cd51b4 00004c5f 01cd51af 0000005f 21cd51c8 58455f57 21cd51cc 5f303130 21cd51d0 46544c55 21cd51d2 0000525f
Get Well Soon !! ^_^ and yea goodluck in completing the episode as well as your school work :P
prof.9 already amde the code here: Weapon Replacement Mod: 1207E856 0000xxyy 120B2CCA 0000xxyy Replace xxyy with the digits below: 65 78 - Xemnas 69 78 - Xigbar 61 78 - Xaldin 65 76 - Vexen 65 6C - Lexaeus 65 7A - Zexion 61 73 - Saïx 78 61 - Axel 65 64 - Demyx 75 6C - Luxord 61 6C - Larxene 61 6D - Marluxia 6F 72 - Roxas 6F 78 - Xion 6F 73 - Sora 6F 64 - Donald 6F 67 - Goofy 69 72 - Riku 69 6D - Mickey 32 72 - Dual Roxas
Hmm wait ill see if i can find it :) Well you have to fill them with numbers but in hex e.g 255 in hex = FF so yea ^^ Edit: Fresh Hack: ^^ 11c4f13c 0000XXXX Hmm well i think cause it has a lot of animation and stuff and things thats why it cant be played by only using his UCM like Bosses and stuff maybe.....