hmmmm yea i can see the dummy digits for Oathkeeper but who are you giving it too :S
Keyblade Warriors(Custom Party): 11CE0B68 0000005A 11CE0B78 00000054 01C95536 00000005 01C9553F 0000000A 11CD4394 00000845 21C954F4 5F303031 21C954F8 464C5448 01C95836 00000005 21c95df0 58455f57 21c95df4 00303130 01C95896 00000005 21cd5e28 58455f57 21cd5e2c 00303130 11CD43B8 0000077B 01CDB31F 00000008 21CD6208 58455F57 21CD620C 5F303130 21CD6210 4631484B 1032EE94 000001F3 21C95554 5F303031 21C95558 46495254 21CBD2D4 5F303031 21CBD2D8 46544C55 21C95614 5F303031 21C95618 4647414D 201C9A80 0000102D 201C99A0 0000102D 201C9A80 0000102D 201A1BE0 c60001b8 21C6C900 0A090964 201A1B58 00000000 201A1B64 00000000 Note:The bold part is the DW Regular Sora code so yea the same rules apply for this code too that are: 1.You play as Roxas and he can do everything except RC so if you want you can activate the Roxas can do RC with it oh and also don t use magic since that will T-stance Roxas so yea 2.You have to Drive into Final Form to Turn into DW Sora 3.Before the Transformations Ends A.K.A when Roxas is about to become Sora "JUMP" that way Sora wont T-Stance 4.Before chnaging areas turn back to Roxas otherwise Sora will be T-Stanced in the next Area AND THE MOST IMPORTANT THING YOU HAVE TO REMEMBER IS THIS: 5.IF YOU WANT SORA TO DW THEN CHANGE AREAS WHERE THE MUSIC STOPS AND THEN A NEW MUSIC PLAYS LIKE GOING FROM "POSTERN" TO "THE CAVERN OF REMEMBRANCE" 6.Model Mods have been upgraded in the code and now you can drive into forms but with different model and also powerful forms :)
lol well also understood some more: Drive into DW Sora(as far as I know...) 11CE0B74 00000054 ---- Play as Roxas 11C9f674 000A0001 1032EE2C 00000061 201A1BE0 C60001B2 ---- Infinite Drive Form 201C9A80 0000102D ---- Use All Acquired Drive Forms Even Without Party Members 201C99A0 0000102D ---- Party Members Don't Disappear When Using Drive Forms 01C95536 0000000A ---- Sora has DW Roxas Moveset 01C9553F 0000000A ---- Sora has DW Roaxs Sub Status Hmm well what are the other twos.........??
hmm can you write down the codes data leaving these parts: Drive into DW Sora(as far as I know...) 11CE0B74 00000054 ---- Play as Roxas 11C9f674 000A0001 1032EE2C 00000061 201A1BE0 C60001B2 201C9A80 0000102D 201C99A0 0000102D 01C95536 0000000A ---- Sora has DW Roxas Moveset 01C9553F 0000000A ---- Sora has DW Roaxs Sub Status so what does the other five lines do ??
yup it does but you can give DW Roxas roxas model aka Swap models but not the moveset...... although i dont know how to do that in this game yet ^^"
yup and no i dont think so other chracters can do it that way.....
hm well thats supposed to happen since movset mod wont completely give him the other persons moveset ,sicne the model can only bear the maximum amount of animation given to it so Roxas has the maximum amount of moves givin to it while in the single weilds version and no O&O cant be split since both of them are one model
oh well i checked the code in FM version of codes and it doesnt DW well then maybe iot wont DW since not all characters can DW you know but Mulan...
hm btw is that FM or NTSC........??
oh hm kk let me check and no need to apologize im here to help after all ^^
oh thnx for telling me the code oh and also how is drving in DW Roxas help us by getting DW Sora........?? hmm i dont think so........
No Prob and lol thnx ^^
hmm well a sub-status is actually a status mod but a different like it kinda gives other guys,persons slots to the other guy oh and yup it should...
hmm well giving sora master,valor,wisdom and finals moveset gives them a T-stance thats why i chose to play as Roxas since when you drive from him you can still move so jus jump when you are about to change and dont know try giving it master or valors moveset /Sub Status and see what happenes ^^ XD EDIT: can anybody give me the code for Floating Keyblades and Infinite Jump for forms............. EDIT 2: Anyway a New Custom Party i made,hope you enjoy playing with it as much as i did ^^ UPGRADED Keyblade Warriors(Custom Party): 11CE0B68 0000005A 11CE0B78 00000054 01C95536 00000005 01C9553F 0000000A 11CD4394 00000845 21C954F4 5F303031 21C954F8 464C5448 01C95836 00000005 21c95df0 58455f57 21c95df4 00303130 01C95896 00000005 21cd5e28 58455f57 21cd5e2c 00303130 11CD43B8 0000077B 01CDB31F 00000008 21CD6208 58455F57 21CD620C 5F303130 21CD6210 4631484B 1032EE94 000001F3 21C95554 5F303031 21C95558 46495254 21CBD2D4 5F303031 21CBD2D8 46544C55 21C95614 5F303031 21C95618 4647414D 201C9A80 0000102D 201C99A0 0000102D 201C9A80 0000102D 201A1BE0 c60001b8 21C6C900 0A090964 201A1B58 00000000 201A1B64 00000000 Note:The bold part is the DW Regular Sora code so yea the same rules apply for this code too that are: 1.You play as Roxas and he can do everything except RC so if you want you can activate the Roxas can do RC with it oh and also don t use magic since that will T-stance Roxas so yea 2.You have to Drive into Final Form to Turn into DW Sora 3.Before the Transformations Ends A.K.A when Roxas is about to become Sora "JUMP" that way Sora wont T-Stance 4.Before chnaging areas turn back to Roxas otherwise Sora will be T-Stanced in the next Area AND THE MOST IMPORTANT THING YOU HAVE TO REMEMBER IS THIS: 5.IF YOU WANT SORA TO DW THEN CHANGE AREAS WHERE THE MUSIC STOPS AND THEN A NEW MUSIC PLAYS LIKE GOING FROM "POSTERN" TO "THE CAVERN OF REMEMBRANCE" 6.Model Mods have been upgraded in the code and now you can drive into forms but with different model and also powerful forms :) VID COMING SOON!! ;)
oh lol not neo-status Sub Status give it DW Roxas Sub Status and Final Forms Neo Moveset and thats all oh and also when you give it DW Roxas...
hmm well without finalf moveset he wont DW oh and also DW Limit Sub status was totally unknown since it used 08 and it wasnt anyones ID so yea oh and for Sora to DW it needs both the sub status of someone to add an second keyblade in the slot and moveset to add an second keyblade in the hand so yea its a lil complicated so you MIGHT not understand it ^^ hmm whats the code for floating leyblade..........??
lol no prob for the length oh and i tolded you in the thread what it does oh and also "same strategy as the Drive into DW Roxas code " ?? ^^" what...
lol nice ^^
hm how........?? EDIT: Drive into Final To play as DW Sora: 11C95618 0000005A 11C95626 00000054 01CB9736 00000005 01CB973F 00000004 21c95308 0a070764 Note:Jump before Roxas transforms into Sora so that it doesnt T-Stance and Change back to Roxas when changing Areas.
yup thats the Master Code ^^