yeah sry about that well i thought people will figure out that this code is only for KH2FM since Christmas Sora is only in KH2FM sry again ^^"
oh lol kk wait ill update the first post ^^
Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix + Play as Christmas Sora including All Forms Well this is the code i made a while ago to play as Christmas Sora and not only Sora but all his forms too oh and also this code included Unlimited Jumps for Drives and all Drive Forms unlocked too so yea the last one of the Drive is Anti but remember you cant revert back to Sora when you drive into Anti in a battle meaning you cant revert back while in battle so yea change a shortcut button to revert just in need if you want to Revert back so yea.Well anyway thats all im going to say and now finally heres the code: Play as Christmas Town Sora w/ Drive Forms [Non-Freeze] [Press L2 and walking into a new area] Code Breaker/Raw/Gameshark: E00EFEFF 0034D45C 01CBD016 00000001 11CE0B68 00000955 01CBD076 00000002 11CE0B70 00000956 01CBD0D6 00000003 11CE0B72 00000957 01CBD3D6 00000042 11CE0B74 0000095F 01CBD136 00000004 11CE0B76 00000958 21C95674 5F303031 21C95678 555F4D58 21C9567C 0046544C 01CBD1F6 00000006 11CE0B7A 0000095A 21C6C900 0A090964 2032F1F0 FFFFFFFF 2032F1F4 FFFFFFFF 2032F1F8 FFFFFFFF 01C6C93E 000000FF AR Max: 1BZB-DGDD-HQBCG 817H-V2P1-GK875 8N4H-3RB4-NP30W F3GJ-7TZD-2RFE8 AMFK-Q18E-7W6U1 KCXK-QVVM-CZ2WP BHMK-XWE8-ARAEF 87KA-GGA8-RJAAM WDX1-6M11-F6DQ3 E1DW-H88G-6PNMB 2D09-64AD-7U39H Q9Y9-Q543-JHYFZ 1YPB-0EK8-0UUR3 7R59-80YV-8GE79 1X9K-HC5J-C2DQA K6YG-JPRD-D72QD 03AH-5PBC-9K2T7 X8JU-Z4NZ-ZA6DF 5TDJ-9PKG-Y0UAQ GJMR-AHT1-177PP 62KD-B4DE-CAWUG G8W2-JWY8-6WFV2 9RX7-V774-9K0MW
put FF to gain max points after the match
oh yeah thats why the debug room code doesnt work on KH2........... EDIT: Guys i tried this code but it doesnt make mickey DW and when he moves it crashes also mickey doesnt weild anything when i use this code so could you fix it...........?? 01C957D6 00000005 21C9578C 01000000 21C957D4 001C0001 21C957DC 0A000000 51CD52A0 00000020 01CD5880 00000000 21CD4AE0 00000769 11C6CC20 0000005B 11CE0B68 00000769
^^" his voice actor must be an australian ^^"
thnx thnx
oh lol well No Prob glad to help oh and i made this code before making the recent Play as DW Regular Sora code but i never released it cause he holded the keyblades in his hands and that way it didnt do that much damage so yea ^^" anyway nice job on recreating the code and the reason it cant cast magic and drive and summons is because it has DW Roxas status so yea ^^
lol i think no they forgot to write the letter there ^^"
oh i think i releases it already its a few pages back i think anyway here: MINI GAMES CODE: Olympus Coliseum: ================ Barrel Breaking Points Mod: 02044899 000000XX 021949D9 000000XX Twilight Town: ============= Grandstander Points Mod: 021CBFD8 000000XX
Egh ^^" that i dont remember so sry ^^"
lol it will i tested it ;)
Play as Christmas Town Sora w/ Drive Forms [Non-Freeze] [Press L2 and walking into a new area] Code: E00EFEFF 0034D45C 01CBD016 00000001 11CE0B68 00000955 01CBD076 00000002 11CE0B70 00000956 01CBD0D6 00000003 11CE0B72 00000957 01CBD3D6 00000042 11CE0B74 0000095F 01CBD136 00000004 11CE0B76 00000958 21C95674 5F303031 21C95678 555F4D58 21C9567C 0046544C 01CBD1F6 000000XX ---Digits 01CBD1FF 000000XX ---Digits 11CE0B7A 0000095A 21C6C900 0A090964 2032F1F0 FFFFFFFF 2032F1F4 FFFFFFFF 2032F1F8 FFFFFFFF 01C6C93E 000000FF 201D6388 0000102D XX Digits: DW Anti: 05 0A Regular Anti: 06 06 VID COMING SOON!! ^^
E00EFEFF 0034D45C 01CBD016 00000001 11CE0B68 00000955 01CBD076 00000002 11CE0B70 00000956 01CBD0D6 00000003 11CE0B72 00000957 01CBD3D6 00000042 11CE0B74 0000095F 01CBD136 00000004 11CE0B76 00000958 21C95674 5F303031 21C95678 555F4D58 21C9567C 0046544C 01CBD1F6 000000XX ---Digits 01CBD1FF 000000XX ---Digits 11CE0B7A 0000095A 21C6C900 0A090964 2032F1F0 FFFFFFFF 2032F1F4 FFFFFFFF 2032F1F8 FFFFFFFF 01C6C93E 000000FF 201D6388 0000102D XX Digits: DW Anti: 05 0A Regular Anti: 06 06
lol well no its as simple he wont be able to do Reaction Commands unless you activate the code Roxas can do RC and he will mush ball since he is...
Egh well lol yea it should ^^" well there hasnt been one hacked yet .....
they are on the first page ^^
lol please call me Aurangzeb and well im trying to hack a code but its a failure till now ^^" oh and if you are looking for cool codes they are in...
code are on the first page ^^
hmmm i think thats supposed to happen since when you replace Sora in Finals Slot it gives him Finals Abilities A.K.A everything of final,moveset,abilities adn etc. so yea........
thnx ^^.....